Wednesday, July 25, 2018

I was bamboozled again!!!

At the grocery store a few months back, I put my favorite organic vanilla yogurt in my cart. This is the same yogurt I'd been buying every week, so I didn't think twice about it… until I got home.

I pulled it out of the bag and the ingredient list caught my eye. I couldn't believe what I saw… Right there in black and white.

As you may know, I try my hardest to avoid natural flavors in my food. I knew without a doubt that this yogurt NEVER HAD natural flavors in it before. They had quietly changed an ingredient from "Organic Vanilla Bean" to "Organic Natural Vanilla Flavor" and it went right under my nose! It was so frustrating to see this brand cheapen its ingredients that I once loved.

Now you may be asking yourself, "What is that organic natural flavor really?"  

This is a really good question, and one that I get all the time. Thanks to some interviews with some incredible food scientists and other experts I was able to get the facts about this mysterious ingredient.

Read my brand new investigation: The Differences Between Artificial Flavors, Natural Flavors, Organic Flavors and Other Added Flavors

In this post, I give you real life product examples with all the different added "flavors" you will encounter in products today, to make it easier to understand at the store. I also created a flavors cheat sheet, which gives you what you need to know at a glance!

Check it all out here.

Please share this new post with your friends and family. We all deserve to know what's behind these "flavors."



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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