Friday, February 24, 2017

Is This Fake News?

No. This is not fake news. I am starting to get contacted by many journalists about our VIRAL Monsanto report that showed how popular foods like Cheerios and Stacy's Pita Chips had alarming amounts of glyphosate weedkiller in it so I had to set the record straight.
The corruption runs so deep well beneath the naked eye and you need to know the truth. The biotech industry is desperately trying to improve their public image and they are attempting to manipulate everything we see and hear about GMO crops and pesticides in the media and on TV, the internet and print articles – using propaganda-laden commercials, "mommy-blogger" articles, farmer endorsements, hired operatives to change Wikipedia and front group websites. The biotech industry is feeling threatened, and their profits hang in the balance.
They are trying to silence the truth! 
Here's how to determine if news is fake or not: Read the brand new post here and spread the word. 
The corruption is outrageous as these before and after pictures show.
I'm counting on you to set the record straight!

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Thursday, February 9, 2017

They got caught secretly feeding cows SKITTLES!

Today I have an excellent healthy gift idea for your loved ones this Valentine's Day... but first, there was a SHOCKING story in the news recently that struck a cord with me and a lot of you! In case you missed it, here were some of the headlines…

"American farmers secretly feed cows defective Skittles because they are cheaper than corn, truck crash reveals" 

"Thousands of Skittles intended for cattle feed spill on Wisconsin highway" 

"Roadside Skittles Spill Shows Everyone That We're Feeding Cows Candy"

As if GMO corn isn't bad enough, candy filled with GMOs, artificial colors, and (of course) sugar - are being fed to cattle being raised for meat in this country.  This is just another way to cheaply fatten up meat on some conventional farm animals. It's outrageous, and unfortunately, the practice of feeding candy to farm animals has been going on for decades!

While I advocate for eating more plant-based foods than anything else… if you eat meat, this is a huge reminder about why it is important to be extra careful about where you get your meat from and to be responsible about meat consumption. These animals are not healthy. And when we eat animals that are not healthy - we become unhealthy.

What is the best way to avoid meat raised on Skittles? Boycott factory farm meat!

It sure would be nice if factory farm meat had a big giant WARNING LABEL on it, but unfortunately it doesn't...

It's not easy to find grass fed and pastured meats that are raised in humane conditions on family farms at grocery stores - especially since labeling can be confusing. That's why I partnered with Butcher Box. They have done the work for us and found small family farms that hold quality and animal welfare as their core values, who never use hormones or antibiotics (or Skittles!), and grass-finish their cattle.

Butcher Box makes the perfect Valentine's Day Gift!

Instead of giving your Valentine a box of toxic chocolates, why not give them a Butcher Box subscription that will provide them with grass-fed and pastured raised meats for the entire year? Just in time for Valentine's Day, Butcher Box has an exclusive offer just for the Food Babe Army!

Take $10 off and receive 3 free packs of bacon (30oz) with your first Butcher Box. No code required! Just visit them here.

PLUS - Within 24 hours, Butcher Box will send you a coupon to SHARE THE LOVE. The coupon is worth $25 off a new Butcher Box subscription that you can give as a gift to a loved one.

Butcher Box's meats are 100% grass-fed and grass finished, antibiotic and hormone free, and NEVER raised on a factory farm. Not only is their beef, chicken, and pork better for you and the world we live in - but they will ship it directly to you!

One of the big reasons why I partnered with Butcher Box was for my husband, and he has been really loving the quality of their meat! Their service has made it so much easier for our family to boycott factory farms.  

Butcher Box's bacon is uncured, and free of all nitrates, sugars, antibiotics, and hormones - and it's NEVER from a factory farm. One of the best ways to stop factory farming is to vote with your dollars and support farmers who are doing the right thing - and Butcher Box is a great way to do that.

Here's how Butcher Box works and why it's the perfect affordable and convenient solution:

  • Choose which box you prefer from their selection of 100% Grass-fed Beef, Organic/Pastured Chicken and/or Heritage Breed Pork.

  • Set it up so that you'll automatically get a new Butcher Box sent to your house every month, or every 2 months, or every 3 months.

  • Your $10 discount and 3 packs of bacon will be automatically added.

  • Butcher Box will ship your box to your house for free. All meats will arrive frozen solid with enough for about 20 individual meals!

  • You can cancel or change your schedule at anytime! No commitments.

  • Butcher Box will email you a $25 Share The Love coupon (to give a loved one) after you place your order here.

Meat that does not come from factory farms may cost more. But rather than judge the value of food in terms of dollars, think of its value in terms of nutrition – and your health. The only way practices such as feeding candy to farm animals will change is when enough people refuse to buy meat that was raised this way.

Get your Butcher Box here. When my box comes in this month, I am planning to make a romantic meal for my Valentine!

If you know someone who might be eating meat raised on Skittles or needs a Valentine gift idea, please forward this email to them! I hope you all join me in boycotting factory farmed meat.

When you support great companies like Butcher Box, you support all of us here at Food Babe - Thank you for helping us continue our mission!



P.S. This special is good up until Valentine's Day only and expires soon! 



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 11:32 AM PST

Not everyone loves Brussels sprouts, but those little green buds contain some surprising and potent health benefits.  With some of the highest plant protein of any vegetable and considerable density in many important vitamins and minerals, there are more than a few reasons to include Brussels sprouts in your diet. Here are some potential health benefits of Brussels sprouts.

1. Excellent Source of Vitamin C

As little as 50 grams of boiled Brussels sprouts can help you meet your daily requirement for vitamin C. In fact, there's more vitamin C in Brussels sprouts than oranges. Vitamin C is necessary for a variety of important natural functions, including regulating your blood pressure and bolstering your immune system. Vitamin C health Benefits

2. Reduce Cholesterol

Due to their high fiber content, Brussels sprouts are great at helping the body regular cholesterol levels. The fiber contained in each sprout can bind with bile acids, making it easy for your body to get rid of them from your system.

3. Rich Source of Vitamins and Minerals

As little as a single serving of Brussels sprouts can provide you with your complete daily requirement of vitamin K, B, and C. They're also an excellent source for a number of important minerals including potassium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron, and magnesium.

4. Protect your DNA

There are enzymes in your body that can do serious harm to the stability of your DNA within the white blood cells that are crucial to your immune system.  Brussels sprouts can actually block these enzymes from affecting your DNA, which can protect you from a variety of serious genetic problems.

5. Reduces Risks of Cardiovascular Disease

Brussels sprouts are also a potent anti-inflammatory agent, and may even help repair damaged blood vessels. This is due to isothiocyanate sulforaphane, a compound in Brussels sprouts that helps support your heart's health, and may even lower your risk of a heart attack.

6. Excellent Source of Fiber

The body uses fiber for a healthy and efficient digestive process. Like many vegetables, Brussels sprouts are an excellent source of fiber. A serving as small as 100 grams of sprouts each day can help provide nearly 20% of your daily value.

7. Good For Bones

Brussels sprouts have some of the highest vitamin K content of any vegetable, which is vital for healthy bone structures, regular calcification, and helping your body absorb and distribute other vitamins. One cup of sprouts every day will provide double your daily value.

8. Fight Free Radicals

Brussels sprouts contain a variety of antioxidant compounds and flavonoids. Combined with a high density of important vitamins like A, C, B6, and K, they provide almost everything your body needs to help fight off the oxidative stress placed on your body every day.

9. Anti-inflammatory Properties

Sprouts are an excellent source of glucosinolate, which are a compound necessary in the natural regulation of the body's inflammatory response. With enough Brussels sprouts in your diet, you can help prevent or reduce chronic inflammation.

10. A Well-Rounded Addition to Any Diet

A single serving of Brussels can help provide you with more than 100% of your daily requirement for several critical vitamins and minerals. While many fruits or vegetables are a rich source of one or two vitamins, like oranges with vitamin C, Brussels sprouts are a well-rounded addition to any diet.

Don't poison your Valentine with these chocolates!

It feels like the holidays just got over, but the "Holiday Death Aisle" is BACK… and this time we are bombarded with store shelves filled with red, pink and white junk and pretty heart-shaped boxes filled with toxic chocolates by brands like Russell Stovers, Godiva, and Hallmark. 

Take a look at the ingredients in these Valentine's Day chocolates and you'll quickly realize that they're just selling cheap ingredients wrapped up in fancy-looking packages. Why would you give your Valentine a "gift" filled with heart-wrecking partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors derived from petroleum, nasty preservatives, artificial flavors, GMO oils, sugar from GMO Roundup-Ready sugar beets, and the absolute worst ingredients you can put in food?
Let's be real here – eating chocolate on occasion is absolutely an okay treat – but consideration needs to be made when choosing how to get your fix. Chocolate can provide a daily dose of much needed antioxidants or it can be a chemistry experiment full of man-made artificial ingredients. The key is to only choose treats that are both sweet AND nutritious. That way you'll satisfy your cravings but still get a dose of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Eventually you'll develop a distaste for processed refined sugars and your desire for ultimate nutrition will become instinctive.
This new recipe for my Five-Minute Creamy Chocolate Mousse is lightening-quick to make and MUCH healthier than eating a few Valentine's Day chocolates (and actually more delicious than those chemical-filled things anyway)!
Here are some more DELICIOUS treats to make for your kids and loved ones for Valentine's Day that won't sabotage their health...
If you know anyone who would love these recipes, please forward this email to them. Let's spread the word that we can still enjoy dessert without unhealthy processed ingredients!

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Read this before the big weekend!

I know many of you may be heading to Super Bowl parties this weekend where traditional Doritos, Lay's and Ruffles are being served… but you don't have to eat those dirty processed chemical-filled GMO snacks! There are so many new alternatives and organic versions available that you can bring - check out the list here

Although I don't recommend packaged snacks often – and preach the gospel on whole real foods – if you are going to a Super Bowl party you've gotta have some snacks, right?

One thing I love about these alternative snack brands, is that they do not contain MSG, an ingredient that keeps you going back for more and more and more. Which is why some of the GMO snack brands like Doritos are so addictive and have become "popular" as a result.

These are some of my favorite Super Bowl Party recipes that will satisfy a crowd for the big day… 

Do you know someone who needs a Super Bowl Party makeover? Please forward this email to them! Take back your food and get your friends and family involved. Have a fun weekend!


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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