Friday, August 16, 2019

Why people hate me.

If you are new around here, you may not know this… but I wanted to make sure you have this insight about who I am and why I do what I do. 

I didn't set out to become an activist.

But my passion to get out the truth became fierce after realizing there are so many people like me, that are being duped by Big Food companies. I thought the food I was eating was healthy, but it wasn't. The food I was eating was filled with processed chemicals and ingredients to make it addictive.

And that's what I discovered about Chick-fil-A 7 years ago. 

After my initial blog went viral, the executives at Chick-fil-A took notice and to my surprise they invited me to their headquarters to consult with their team in making changes.

My visit in late 2012 did not result in everything I had hoped but the people I met there that day were beyond amazing. Some of the nicest people I have ever met! 

You know, every company has a face. The people who work at these Big Food corporations are real people. And, when you meet with them as an activist you can easily get persuaded to back down in your convictions. 

I want to let you know that I will never back down. I will never be persuaded when it comes to the truth and what I uncover. This, is what I believe has set me apart from other activists out there - and it's why some people hate me. But that's ok. 

As much as Chick-fil-A tried to convince me they were the good guys  - I can't look past the blatant truth about their food. As revealed in my brand new Chick-fil-A post, this is what they are currently serving people and children…

Read the new Chick-fil-A investigation here

My point with these investigations is not to tell you never to eat it again, but to give you the facts so you can make the best decision for yourself and your family. 

I wish someone would have explained to me what I was really eating all those years ago. After learning what was in my food and changing my ways, my life was transformed. I went off all my prescription drugs, lost unwanted pounds, and felt a million times better. This is why I do this work. I want to help more people feel this way. 

If you haven't already told your friends about what's in Chick-fil-A's food, please forward this email to them. You can also share my investigation here on Facebook and Instagram

You never know who it will help! 




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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