Friday, February 27, 2015

An ingredient that I even thought was "safe."

I don't know whether to be scared to death for the millions eating this substance or grateful that I stopped buying this food ingredient a long time ago. I always thought, even after my research that it was kinda safe but I still had my suspicions.

When I originally brought this subject to light a few years ago, I got a lot of flack for it because there wasn't any major data showing that it could be harmful but regardless I wanted you to know what's in your food and that's why I filmed a video and wrote a post about it.

Today, however, I'm being recognized by some of my most outspoken critics.

Ground breaking research has just been released linking this substance that lines food industry pockets to weight gain, inflammation and digestive problems.

If you have ever had shredded cheese, frozen waffles or pancake syrup before – you might be eating this substance.

Here's what to know and what to watch out for - read the updated post here

Watch the video, read this post and share with your loved ones

We must protect ourselves from this madness.

With much love,


P.S. I'm going to be at Costco on Tyvola in Charlotte, NC tomorrow 2/28 between 1pm – 3pm EST signing books. Come out, bring your family and say hello. I would love to see you. If you don't live in Charlotte, more book tour dates in other cities are coming soon! Stay tuned.

***Have you gotten my #1 best selling book yet? The Food Babe Way has hit both the WSJ and NY Times best sellers list 2 weeks in a row!***
















P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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