Thursday, January 2, 2020

Ate too much sugar during the holidays? This will get you back on track FAST

Welcome to 2020! We just finished an incredible year. My book Feeding You Lies hit the best sellers lists, we developed and released 7 new Truvani products, and we petitioned one the biggest food corporations - Kellogg's - which gathered over 50k signatures. We aren't done with Kellogg's yet and I've got some plans in the works. But first off - I want to personally wish you a Happy New Year and thank you for being part of the Food Babe Army. And, I want to help you have your healthiest year yet. 

Starting today, I'm going to send you 7 TIPS that can improve your health dramatically, help you lose weight, avoid sugar meltdowns, make your skin glow, optimize your digestion, and more...

I'll send you ONE NEW habit each week day through the next week. You can start implementing these tips immediately, adding a new one each day after you receive it in your inbox. Each of these habits are EASY and INEXPENSIVE and something you can start now in the new year!

So without further ado...

Healthy Habit #1: Eliminate Refined Sugar From Your Diet.

Let me clarify: I am not asking you to eliminate every type of "sugar" from your diet. That would simply set anyone up for failure. 

This habit entails eliminating refined sugars, such as white sugar, brown sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and corn syrup. Avoiding refined sugars while still enjoying natural sugars (i.e. fruit) in moderation is one of the keys to ultimate balance in life. 

Refined sugar is acid forming in the body because it has been chemically stripped of its minerals. The natural minerals in whole foods are important for our body's ability to process nutrients in food and to ultimately keep our bodies alkaline - and a body in an alkaline state is primed to avoid disease and a myriad of other ailments. 

STEP 1 - Don't buy, consume or keep products in your house with the following ingredients in them:

sugar, cane sugar, brown sugar, carob syrup, corn syrup, corn-syrup solids, dextrose, fructose, glucose, glucose solids, high-fructose corn syrup, invert sugar, malt syrup, maltodextrin, maltose, maltitol, raw sugar, refiner's syrup, sorbitol, sorghum syrup, sucrose, and turbinado sugar.

This doesn't mean you can replace these sugars with artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose. Those are off limits too! They are just as bad for the body and some of them are linked to cancer. (Note: If you're diabetic, stevia and xylitol are your best options.)

Food Babe approved sugar sources include these organic items: fruit, coconut palm sugar, raw honey, maple syrup, date sugar, and dried fruit. The key here is to still include those forms of  "sugar" in your diet, as your body can easily assimilate them and these sources also provide nutrients, minerals and vitamins your body will use. 

STEP 2 - Continuously train your palate for natural sweetness:

Before you reach for something sweet – think about the natural options available that will satisfy your sweet tooth, such as fruit or dried fruit. The satisfaction you get from natural foods will exceed their processed counterparts. Eventually, you'll develop a distaste for refined sugar and your desire for ultimate nutrition will become intuitive. What a wonderful habit to develop and keep for life, no?

Here are some satisfying trades I make when I crave something sweet –

  • When I crave chocolate – I make a smoothie with Truvani Chocolate Protein, which contains zero refined sugar.
  • When I crave something fruity – I eat a couple dried organic fruits – like mangos, apricots, prunes, cherries, golden berries, dates, goji berries and figs. Sometimes I will mix it with unsweetened coconut flakes. Dried coconut has a natural sweetness to it – but has less than one gram of sugar per serving.  
  • When I crave something chewy, warm and comforting – I make homemade cookies sweetened only with bananas, dates, or coconut palm sugar. Also – I like to make warm brown rice pudding with unsweetened almond milk and a little honey or maple syrup.
  • When I want ice cream or something cold – I eat a bowl of frozen grapes or cherries.
  • When I crave something salty and sweet – I make eat pieces of sprouted wheat pretzels dipped in raw cacao chocolate.

Get the gist? See how easy that is?

If you develop this habit and practice it on a regular basis, you'll be less likely to go overboard when tempted with traditional desserts. Ahhh…I can hear your response now when someone asks you if you want that Double Stuffed Oreo – "that's just a little too sweet for me, no thanks!"

If you want ALL of my advice on breaking an addiction to sugar, I opened up my 7-Day Sugar Detox Program today. It is a proven system that is very effective and has helped thousands of people stop sugar cravings, make better food choices, and lose weight.

Sign up for only $29.99 through next week only: DETAILS HERE

I believe that cutting out sugar is one of the best things you can do for your health - let me guide you through this process and help change your life. 

But I'm not done yet - Stay tuned to your email tomorrow where I'll give you another LIFE CHANGING habit. 

To give you a hint, it has to do with SHOPPING!

Until tomorrow…



P.S. If you know anyone who struggles with sugar cravings and would love this tip, please forward this email to them! 



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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