Friday, February 8, 2019

Corn Syrup in your beer? There's more to this story!

This is a must read if you drink beer or know someone that does!

Read "Why Ingredients in beer matter, and what beer companies aren't telling you" now.

I was having a blast watching the Super Bowl last weekend… and it had NOTHING to do with the game! Bud Light starts advertising that they have No Corn Syrup in their beer, and texts like this kept rolling in from my friends…

You see, we launched the petition that started it all. And now, Bud Light is spending millions of dollars on a marketing campaign to tell us that corn syrup isn't in their beer - but there is SO MUCH MORE to this story.

Read my new beer investigation to see what they're not telling you here.

It's amazing to see how the seeds we planted to change the terrible lack of transparency in the beer industry are now bearing fruit. You are an amazing force Food Babe Army! Thank you for continuing to spread the word and demand the truth about what we are eating and drinking.

If you know anyone who loves to drink beer (I'm sure you do!) PLEASE SHARE this new post with them!



P.S. Want to know more about how the food and beverage industry swindles us? My new book Feeding You Lies will be out in less than 2 weeks - make sure to get your copy here now, so you can be the first to read it!

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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