Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Is your toothpaste full of carcinogens? Check this list...

I do everything I can to take really good care of my teeth - brushing, flossing, regular dental cleanings, and avoiding sticky, sugary candy and soda. Bad teeth and gum health are linked to all sorts of health issues.

When it comes to toothpaste, I've tried many different brands and switched it up a lot over the years as I learn more about the ingredients that are allowed for use in cosmetics and personal care products. This is especially the case when it comes to toothpaste, as this is something that we are putting in our mouth at least twice a day and even if we don't swallow it, the mouth is one of the most absorbent parts of the body. 

For that reason, I do my best to avoid the most harmful ingredients in toothpaste (to which there are many!).

To see if your toothpaste passes the test – check this brand new post which includes my top recommendations for toothpastes based on personal experience.

Happy brushing!



P.S. Don't forget to share this information with your family and friends, no one should be putting carcinogens in their mouth twice a day!




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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