Wednesday, September 9, 2015

He called me crackpot and now I know why.

This week has been a roller coaster. Deciding to do this and hitting post on this latest piece made me extremely nervous, but I had to do it – for you, for me and our entire healthy food movement.

We are finally learning how mega food and chemical corporations are using public university scientists as sock puppets to push their agendas and to attack our movement for a safer, more transparent food supply. 

And the details are downright SHOCKING

When I saw this email exchange from Monsanto to a Professor at The University of Florida it sent shivers down my spine. 

This is a must read email and post. 

Not only is this professor attacking me – he has insulted all of you too. Even the media was fooled by him but not anymore, because the truth is finally coming out.

I need your help today to first read this post, then share and forward this to your friends, family and anyone who has ever been hoodwinked by the manipulations of the food industry. 

We together have the opportunity to wake up millions of people to these deceptions. 



P.S. This post is very disturbing. When I really think about what it all means, it scares me, but I know you (and the Universe) has my back - it's what keeps me going forward, so thank you.














P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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