Wednesday, March 13, 2019

How to stop nighttime cravings

So, I was having a conversation with a friend about how we never find the time to relax during the day. It's just go... go... go...  all day for us moms.

And I don't take a break until my child is tucked in and down for the night.

If you have kids, I know you know what I mean. When the kids are asleep, we finally have time to exhale and take a deep breath.

This is also when we start to crave foods that aren't healthy for us - especially those foods I don't eat in front of my daughter. Chips and wine, anyone? How about some dessert?

Pretty soon, those endless nights of junk food catch up with you. That's why I've figured out how to replace my bad habits with good ones.

In the Truvani eBook, 23 Positive Habits For An Amazing Life, we'll help you establish a nighttime routine that makes your life easier and helps you get healthier too.

For example - instead of reaching for some chips or wine at night, I like to settle in on my couch with a cup of Turmeric Ginger Tea. All I do is put a small piece of fresh ginger and 2 Truvani Turmeric tablets into a cup of hot water - and in a few minutes I have this beautiful spicy tea that is so warm and comforting. It's the perfect way to end the evening and make myself feel amazing right before bed.

We'll send you this 39-page eBook for free with any Truvani purchase this week. It's packed with my best advice on how to stop feeling overwhelmed and set yourself up for success…

  • How to sneak exercise into your routine when your schedule is packed
  • Ways to use technology to help you tackle your wellness goals
  • A nighttime routine that lets you get more out of your morning
  • One-handed recipes that you can effortlessly enjoy on your busiest days

It's such a fun guide! So if you're struggling to "get it together", this is something you're going to love...

Here are all the details on how to get my new eBook today.

We'll send it straight to your inbox right after you make a Truvani purchase - it's that easy. Settle in with this guide and your cup of tea tonight, and you'll be well on your way to creating healthier and easier day tomorrow!



P.S. This free eBook offer ends on Friday, March 15th. Here's where to order so you don't miss out.

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, you can update your preferences here.

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