Monday, October 12, 2020

Inside info...

When I was little, I don't remember ever eating vegetables (sorry Mom! I know you tried!) 

Thankfully, my daughter Harley eats her vegetables - Bok Choy happens to be her favorite at the moment! And, this is one of my most cherished pictures inside Food Babe Kitchen of us drinking her favorite green smoothie...

She has LOVED green drinks from a young age, but I know many parents struggle with this. 

Here are a few tips that have worked for us… (feel free to send this to any parents that need these tips!)

✔️ Get them involved! Take your child shopping to pick out the ingredients, and let them hold, smell and pick out the produce. If you garden, ask them to help you plant seeds and water the goodies that you are growing. Tell them that you'll be using these to make some yummy drinks.

✔️ Pick up a fun cup and straw. This is their special cup that they'll only use to drink green drinks. Stick to it, and pretty soon they might be begging you to make a juice, just so they get to drink out of their favorite cup.

✔️ Make it fun! Share why it's good for them and explain the energy-boosting benefits that they could get from drinking green juice. Liken these benefits to their favorite superhero, cartoon character or sports star. Tell older kids about the benefits such as clearer skin, a natural glow and longer nails that they could have.

✔️ Lead by example. Some kids need to be exposed to new foods 10 times before they will try it. Show them how much you love drinking yours, but don't make a big deal out of it if they refuse. Some kids feel more comfortable just watching you drink it at first.

✔️ Try my family-approved green drink recipes!

The Food Babe Kitchen cookbook includes delicious smoothie recipes, including "Harley's Favorite Smoothie" made with greens, almond butter, pineapple, mango, ginger, and banana. It's incredible and we both drink these smoothies almost every day.

(It also has that bok choy recipe I mentioned earlier)

And Don't forget!

When you pre-order Food Babe Kitchen I have special bonuses for you. 

I'll email you my Ultimate Pantry List immediately. This includes everything I keep in my fridge, freezer, and pantry. It will help you stock your kitchen for success with all the right brands. 

And, tomorrow I'm announcing another BIG BONUS for everyone who pre-orders a copy of Food Babe Kitchen. 

I'll send your bonuses instantly after you order a cookbook and submit a proof of purchase here




P.S. Don't forget to check your email tomorrow! You're really going to love it. I'm doing something I've never done before.

Food Babe Kitchen - Get a free list of EVERYTHING in my pantry now with every book purchase.

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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