Friday, October 2, 2020

Going to town on cookies?

I have a confession…

I used to have processed food meltdowns. Really bad ones. I'd crack open a box of "organic" cookies…

And go to TOWN. 

Then I thought, "Why the heck is this so addicting?"

It's gotta be all the sugar, right?

Sugar is only part of the equation. 

But another big culprit is all those 'natural flavors'... which are anything BUT natural. 

The hard truth is...both natural and artificial flavors are made in a lab.

I challenge you to go to any grocery store. Try to find a packaged product without 'natural' or 'artificial' flavors. 

You probably can't. 

That doesn't fly with Truvani. 

When we launched our chocolate and then vanilla protein, we wanted to only use the best ingredients available. 

Which is a LOT tougher than we thought. 


As our customers asked for more flavors… we ran into the same dilemmas.

Some of the ingredients we wanted to use were downright expensive. And we didn't want to pass the cost onto you. 

But we also wanted to avoid using 'natural flavors'... even if they claimed to be 'organic natural flavors'. 

But like always… we figured it out. 

And now we are excited to bring you two brand new flavors:

They have less than 8 organic ingredients. All stuff you'll recognize. All stuff you'll love. 

I founded Truvani with one promise. To bring products to your home with only the best ingredients available that are rigorously tested multiple times. 

Organic whenever possible. Non-GMO. And only what's necessary. No B.S. Ever. 

That's exactly what we did with our Plant-Based Protein powders. 

They're available now, and you can try them for up to 25% off. 

Get yours today. 





Food Babe Kitchen - Get a free list of EVERYTHING in my pantry now with every book purchase.

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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