Thursday, December 19, 2019

Look at this adaptogen that helps with stress

Today I want to talk to you about adaptogens.

If you've already heard of them…

You know them to be a natural substance which can help our body adapt to stress, while supporting normal bodily functions.

Basically, adaptogens can adapt to our body's needs by regulating a stable balance inside our unique systems.

This means no matter what the day brings, they can help promote harmony in the body so we feel calm, evened out, energized, and well rested.

It's really no surprise they've been used for centuries in ayurvedic medicine.

I remember years ago a friend told me about one in particular…

She told me it was a must-have.

And yet, I never got around to trying it.

But recently another friend mentioned he blends a certain *special* adaptogen in his daily juice because it helps him feel calm and leveled-out when life gets busy. 

The name of this highly-praised adaptogen?


Eventually, I realized I needed this incredible herb. 

After all, my life can feel really hectic from time to time.

But I also had a few important questions before trying it, like:

Where does ashwagandha come from?

How is it made?

Is it safe?

As usual, I started doing my research.

A lot of it.

But even after tirelessly searching for the best product...

I realized I needed to create my own here at Truvani.

So, that's exactly what we did.

I'm proud to introduce Truvani's newest product Bliss Me.

It's a plant-based, Organic Ashwagandha supplement.

I think you're going to get a lot out of it too.

And with the hectic holidays fast approaching…

This is the perfect time to give your body the extra support it needs to handle all the fun.

(and chaos)

Head here to grab yours today




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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