Monday, April 29, 2019

Here’s a GREAT idea for a Mother’s Day Gift

So, with Mother's Day coming up, Truvani decided to create a special bundle where you can save 54% off retail price. I know you'll love it...

Maybe you'll get it for your mom.

Or maybe you'll get it for yourself.

You can see what's in the bundle right here, but first I wanted to share one little story.

As I was writing this email, I found myself thinking about my mom.

I've always wanted to make her proud. And even though she was my number one critic, she was also my number one fan.

However, I'll never forget one thing she told me.

It's so important that I have the exact words she said hanging on my wall in my house so I will never forget it.

"Remember why you started"

When I co-founded Truvani, I did it because I wanted to create the products I couldn't find in stores. I also did it because I wanted to show the world that it's possible for a company to do the right thing when it comes to choosing the right ingredients.

We are living it. Right now. It's ingrained, deep down to the core our Truvani. Great products. Great ingredients.

So, thank you mom for the reminder. It's well received.

Now, back to the new Truvani Bundle...

It's called The Truvani Natural Beauty Bundle.

It can make a great gift for Mother's Day. Or maybe if you're a mom yourself, it's the perfect way to give a gift to yourself.

...the best part?

This bundle is your chance to save 54% off retail price of some of our most popular products.

What's in it?

Here's the link.



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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