Monday, April 4, 2016

Eat Dirt!


When I was younger, I was plagued with stomach problems. I sometimes missed school because of how awful I felt and later in my adult life it seemed everything I ate made me have that disgusting bloated feeling.

It wasn't until I learned about the processed food industry and began eating real nutritious food that these problems disappeared. That's because sugar, refined carbs, certain food additives and junk foods all contribute to poor gut health and cause inflammation. If only I knew then what I know now!

In our over-sanitized modern world, most of us aren't exposed to very much good bacteria, and this can be a problem. Most of our food has been pasteurized, irradiated, or chemically treated to kill bugs – but this also kills the good stuff. Our soil is depleted of good bacteria with the overuse of synthetic pesticides and other chemical contamination. Certain substances in our food have also been suspected to cause leaky gut syndrome – which creates tiny little holes in our digestive system organs that leak out the good bacteria we need to stay healthy and keep our immune system strong.

This is why we absolutely must do everything to restore the good bacteria in our guts.

Which is why I am thrilled to share details on my friend Dr. Josh Axe's new book EAT DIRT!

Check it out here.

You'll learn:

  • Everything you need to know about leaky gut and how to heal from it.
  • How leaky gut syndrome begins and the risk factors to look out for, along with preventative measures.
  • How to determine if you already have leaky gut.

I know you are going to love this book, it's a must read!






P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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