Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Don't Put Sugar In Your Coffee - Here's why....

I was casually reading CNN the other day and came across this alarming news -

"A drink you buy at Starbucks could contain up to 25 teaspoons of sugar per serving, according to a new report by British campaign group Action on Sugar. That's three times the amount of sugar in one can of Coke, and more than three times the maximum adult daily intake recommended by the American Heart Association".

Whoa! One Starbucks drink can equal three cans of Coke! That blew my mind.

Of course we've always known that their lattes and macchiatos contain sugar (along with other additives that I've written extensively about), but how much do we consider the amount of sugar we are sipping down every time we have one of these hot drinks? How many people drink them daily?

They further reported...

"When you are consuming sugar in hot drinks, it's easy to drink a large volume of liquid in a short time, and any sugar it contains is very rapidly absorbed into the body. It would, for example, be much harder to consume the same amount of sugar if it was in the form of rice. It's one of the particular problems with sugary hot drinks."

They go on to explain what happens to your body after you drink a sugary hot coffee drink…

"you have a spike in sugar levels in the blood -- and as everyone knows, what goes up must come down. The pancreas releases lots of insulin in response. A very high rise and rapid fall of sugar in the bloodstream may be bad for health - it may put you at risk… of laying down of fat under the skin and, more worryingly, in the guts, liver and pancreas."

If you drink coffee, lattes, or drinks from Starbucks (or other coffee chains) often, this is one area where sugar can creep into your diet in a major way, promoting health problems.

I knew that the chronic amount of sugar in our diets is a real issue for so many of us, including myself. That's why I created The Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox Program, which is designed to help you kick the sugar habit and will show you healthier ways to enjoy sweets and treats after the detox is over.

To give you a preview of the type of information that this program has to offer - I wanted to share the best ways to sweeten coffee without refined sugar.

Next time you reach for the sugar bowl, try stirring one of these in your coffee instead. I've tried all these substitutes and they work - I haven't had to put sugar in my coffee since!

  • Cinnamon - Adding cinnamon to your coffee adds a hint of sweetness and also provides the immune system with a boost, which we can all use in the morning!
  • Nut Milk, Coconut Milk, Coconut Cream or Organic Cream - Coconut is naturally sweet and will sweeten your coffee without refined sugar. What I like to do is add my homemade coconut milk to a milk frother before adding it to my coffee (and then topping it with cinnamon). The frother really helps to add creaminess - you'll never miss the dairy creamers with all that added sugar!  
  • Unsweetened Cocoa or Cocao Powder - The chocolate mixed with the coffee enhances the subtle notes in the beans that you may not have noticed before. Cacao has also been shown to provide important antioxidants which can increase the overall quality of your morning coffee.
  • Vanilla Extract or Almond Extract - It's naturally sweet on its own and is an amazing way to wean yourself off of using added sugar or sweeteners. Just stir in a couple drops.
  • Grass-fed butter + Coconut oil - While adding butter to your coffee may sound odd to you, the effect of adding a healthy fat such as coconut oil to your coffee is that it creates a fullness and helps with energy levels. Grass-fed butter and coconut oil will add natural creaminess especially when you blend it into your coffee with a hand blender (don't just stir it in).

With these tips, you will be dropping the sugar in your coffee in no time!  If you need this type of advice and support, you will love going through the Sugar Detox with us. I can't wait to meet you in the private forum. 



P.S. There's only 2 more days to lock in the introductory price the 7-Day Sugar Detox Program (more than 50% off)! Even if you can't start it immediately, now is the time to join to save. You'll receive lifetime access to everything the program has to offer, so you can start whenever you like. Join us now before Friday ends!











P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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