Thursday, November 20, 2014

New Dr. Group Post! - What is Vanillin?

New Dr. Group Post! - What is Vanillin?

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What is Vanillin?

Posted: 19 Nov 2014 07:00 AM PST


There's nothing quite like the smell of fresh vanilla extract. Not only does vanilla balance flavor in cookies and cakes, it can also be used as a natural perfume or cologne. Vanilla beans are highly prized in culinary circles, and many foodies consider it an essential ingredient for any pantry or baking cabinet. An artificial vanilla flavoring called vanillin is used in many processed cookies and pastries as a way to cut costs. Unfortunately, vanillin is lacking in flavor and consumption of this artificial enhancer may compromise health.

What is Vanillin?

Vanillin is a vanilla extract alternative made from wood pulp. It is commonly used in dessert foods to reduce production costs. Unlike real vanilla extract which is produced using an alcohol base and vanilla beans, vanillin is a synthetic version produced from petrochemicals and byproducts from the paper industry. It is by no means a whole food, yet it is a common flavor enhancer in pharmaceuticals, beverages, and packaged cookies. Vanilla wafers is an example of where one might find vanillin.

Effects of Vanillin

Vanillin health effects are minor and typically trigger migraines in people prone to attacks. Allergic reactions is another symptom seen in sensitive individuals. Usually, switching from artificial vanilla extract to pure vanilla extract is all that is needed to avoid issues. Many connoisseurs of the vanilla bean claim vanillin to be an inferior product to pure vanilla extract, citing its lack of flavor complexity. Still, vanillin remains a common flavor enhancer in many foods.

Benefits of Pure Vanilla

Vanilla in its pure form has potent health benefits, most notably in relation to its antioxidant activity. Real vanilla extract contains a number of antioxidant compounds, at least according to one study. [1] Interestingly enough, this same study claims that vanillin contains a much lower amount of protective activity. Vanilla extract may also be helpful for reducing bacterial growth. [2]

Choose Only the Best

Vanillin may not be one of the most dangerous food additives, but it certainly won't provide you the benefits obtained from pure vanilla. If you purchase processed foods or beverages, always choose organic. Most organic cookies, while still not the most healthy food on the planet, often contain pure vanilla. When baking, always choose organic vanilla beans or organic vanilla extract over artificial vanilla. Your health–and your taste buds–will thank you.

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Shyamala BN, Naidu MM, Sulochanamma G, Srinivas P. Studies on the antioxidant activities of natural vanilla extract and its constituent compounds through in vitro models. J Agric Food Chem. 2007 Sep 19;55(19): 7738-43.
  2. Choo JH, Rukayadi Y, Hwang JK. Inhibition of bacterial quorum sensing by vanilla extract. Lett Appl Microbiol. 2006 Jun;42(6): 637-41.

The post What is Vanillin? appeared first on Dr. Group's Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.

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