Thursday, November 13, 2014

New Dr. Group Post! - The Benefits of PQQ for Aging Support

New Dr. Group Post! - The Benefits of PQQ for Aging Support

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The Benefits of PQQ for Aging Support

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 07:00 AM PST


The simplest way to explain PQQ–or pyrroloquinoline quinone–is to compare it to the engine of a car. Without PQQ, many cellular metabolic processes won't be driven to completion. This non-protein chemical, called a cofactor or coenzyme, can be described as a helper molecule. It aids enzymatic reactions that fuel biochemical processes. PQQ is especially important to mitochondrial health and is a key factor in cellular and metabolic function. Like many biochemicals involved in mitochondrial chemistry, it also possesses powerful antioxidant properties. The human body constantly recycles PQQ, yet many people are in dire need of this important molecule.

The Function of PQQ

Scientists have observed that PQQ activates cell-signaling pathways and stimulates the regeneration of mitochondria in aging cells, a process referred to as mitochondrial biogenesis. Until recently, only aerobic exercise, strict caloric restriction, and certain medications were understood to have this effect. PQQ also neutralizes oxidizing agents (free radicals and reactive oxygen species) through its antioxidant activity. [1] The molecule gives researchers hope for finding ways of achieving healthy living with the possibility of slowing the aging process.

Here are a few of the benefits of PQQ:

Mitochondrial Health

The mitochondria produces cellular energy which manages basic and complex metabolic processes. Without essential biochemicals, the mitochondria becomes worn down and the rate of cellular aging increases. This causes systemic stress, consuming large amounts of energy in an effort to stabilize the cellular process. A disrupted metabolism destabilizes cellular health, having a dramatic effect on organs such as the heart, brain, liver, and kidneys, as well as the nervous, endocrine, and digestive systems. This leads to poor health and accelerated aging.

Promotes Brain Health

PQQ prompts CREB, a protein that regulates DNA function and gene expression. CREB stimulates new mitochondrial growth and plays an important role in the formation of neural pathways and long-term memory. This has made PQQ of special interest in Alzheimer's disease research. Amyloid-beta peptides (aka Abeta) figures prominently into neural cell death associated with dementia. Researchers tested PQQ on Abeta. They found it recovered cells from Abeta-induced cell death and reduced the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS). [2]

Supports Heart Function

Researchers have isolated PQQ for testing on heart cells. So far, studies in animal models indicate that PQQ protects against oxidative stress through its rejuvenating effects. [3] Further research on human subjects is needed to understand if it has specific heart health benefits, or if it simply provides overall health benefits by stimulating mitochondrial function.

Supplementing with PQQ

Pyrroloquinoline quinone is water soluble and stable at room temperature. It can be found on its own or blended with other herbs and compounds for maximum benefit.

Do you use PQQ? How has it impacted you?

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Chowanadisai W1, Bauerly KA, Tchaparian E, et al. Pyrroloquinoline quinone stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis through cAMP response element-binding protein phosphorylation and increased PGC-1alpha expression. J Biol Chem. 2010 Jan 1;285(1):142-52. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M109.030130.
  2. Zhang JJ1, Zhang RF, Meng XK. Protective effect of pyrroloquinoline quinone against Abeta-induced neurotoxicity in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Neurosci Lett. 2009 Oct 30;464(3):165-9. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2009.08.037.
  3. Tao R1, Karliner JS, Simonis U, et al. Pyrroloquinoline quinone preserves mitochondrial function and prevents oxidative injury in adult rat cardiac myocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Nov 16;363(2):257-62.

The post The Benefits of PQQ for Aging Support appeared first on Dr. Group's Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.

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