Monday, November 13, 2017

The BIG news is here!

Today is the day. I'm nervous. I'm excited.

One of the things that makes us - The Food Babe Army - so powerful is the fact that we all show up when it counts.

You sign petitions. You share investigations. You tell your friends what's safe to eat (and what they should avoid). You help us make the world a better place.

And when I told you about the next chapter for Food Babe, you all showed up. In just a few days, our message reached more than 700,000 people around the world.

So, what do we have planned?

Here's the full story:

How many times have you fell in love with a product, and then a big conventional company buys the brand and the product changes? This story has played out so many times over the years. Just last week, I was looking over the label of my favorite grass-fed vanilla yogurt and noticed a bunch of "gum" additives when previously it had very simple ingredients.

A company starts out with great intentions. A company gets acquired. Then, the company changes their ingredients to cut costs.

It's frustrating.

We work hard here at Food Babe HQ to find great products and recommend them to you. But we can't predict acquisitions. So, there I was. Mad that I had purchased another brand I thought I could trust. And that's when I decided that this would happen FOR THE LAST TIME.

I asked you to guess what we're up to and many of you got it right. We are launching our own line of products!

Our first product will begin shipping in February 2018.

We are starting with something I personally wanted to consume immediately but we plan to make a complete line of products. The vision for this new company will be huge. And to make it happen I'll need your support.


On Wednesday, I will start taking pre-orders for our new product, and your early support will allow us to speed up the development of our complete product line. The reality of starting your own product line is as simple as this: it's expensive. We thought about raising outside capital to fund the creation of this company. The problem? Outside money comes with outside expectations that put profits over people. At our core, we believe in real food without added chemicals, products without toxins, labels without lies, and we never want outside money to try and "dictate" what we include in our products.

So, our path was clear. Instead of raising outside money, we knew we could accomplish the same effect by pre-selling our first product.

What's better than that? We've accomplished so much in such a short period of time. This is the next step and your support will help!

We plan on allowing pre-orders for our new product on Wednesday, at 11:00AM Eastern. We have a limited supply available for this first batch, so if you're interested in supporting the next chapter of Food Babe, look for an email with all the details from us around then!

(If you don't get the email, you can check our Facebook page too).

Thank you again.

And here's to a remarkable 2018.



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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