Monday, November 6, 2017

Super secret diet tips

What motivates you to eat healthy food?

I'll tell ya what motivates me. When I changed my diet and started eating real, whole, unprocessed foods, my main goal wasn't to look good and fit into my skinny jeans. I wanted to be healthy. I wanted to feel amazing and have lots of energy. I wanted a clear mind, free of anxiety and sadness. I didn't want to be sick anymore. And, I wanted to live a long happy life. Fitting into my skinny jeans has just been a nice side effect.

What motivates me is good health.

I'm telling you this because the Lancet Medical Journal just published their latest findings on life expectancy which backs up what I have been preaching all these years. They found that while people are living longer, they're spending more time being sick. Plus, people are dying more and more from diseases that are linked to what they are eating (the data shows that poor diet is a factor in 1 out of 5 deaths!)... Obesity, high blood pressure, cancer, these diseases don't operate in a bubble. Many of the leading causes of death worldwide are directly linked to what you put into your mouth. This choice is for all of us to make!

This may not be news to you… but the public at large is still being duped.

The food industry is trying to lead us like sheep into eating processed, fake, chemical-filled foods. They want us to believe their "fortified", "sugar-free", "enriched", "lean", "diet" foods will give us what we want, without any consequences. Big Food does not want us to pay any attention to what we are really eating and how it can affect our health. I'm here to show you how to stop being blindly guided by Big Food and all of the misleading messages being thrown at us.

It's simple. The key is to eat real, unprocessed food.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables (organic whenever possible), beans, legumes, organic meats and dairy, wild sustainable fish, and healthy fats like avocados, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts and seeds. Avoid processed foods with long ingredient lists or ingredients that you don't recognize. Avoid artificial or natural flavors, refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, partially hydrogenated oils and GMO's. Read every ingredients list.

This can all seem daunting at first. But you can stick to a real food diet in no time. Here's how…

  • Cook at home as often as possible. Eating more food at home should be your number #1 priority. When you outsource your food to restaurants, it's impossible to know exactly what you're eating. When you cook organically, you have so much more control over what you and your family eat. You take more responsibility for your well-being and that of those you love.
  • Try not to feel like you have to do everything at once. Just make small changes and gradually keep adding to it. Next time you go to the grocery store, make it a point to buy more organic fresh food and less processed foods. If you have a juicer in the pantry collecting dust, bring it out and start juicing! Take baby steps!
  • Eat foods that help detox your body. Certain foods have remarkable powers and are capable of helping your body flush toxins and keep your system running clean. This will also help to prevent junk food cravings so you won't feel tempted to hit up the fast food drive thru. Some powerful detox foods include cilantro, garlic, onions, broccoli, lemons, and fermented foods.
  • Avoid buying foods with "natural flavors". This is a simple way to avoid processed foods, since almost all of them contain this mysterious ingredient. Natural flavors are created in a laboratory (just like artificial flavors) and are used by the industry as a cheap replacement for real food. This additive is engineered to make processed food more appealing than it should be.
  • Keep it simple. Want a snack? Eat an avocado. Thirsty? Have some lemon water. Need energy? Eat a banana or some almonds. The bottom line is that eating healthy doesn't need to be expensive or complicated.

Now it's your turn!

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If everyone does this, think of how many lives we will change! Are you with me?




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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