Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Our first product is now available!

On Monday, I shared with you that I'll be launching a complete line of products people can trust and your support can help us make it a reality. 
So, what is our first product?
And how can you preorder it?
Get more information here. (And make sure to watch the videos!)
Remember, the reality of starting your own product line is as simple as this: it's expensive. We thought about raising outside capital to fund the creation of this company. But, outside money comes with outside expectations that put profits over people. 
At our core, we believe in real food without added chemicals, products without toxins, labels without lies, and we never want outside money to try and "dictate" what we include in our products. 
Thank you so much for your support in advance!

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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