Monday, November 2, 2015

How To Resist Temptations...

It's here. The holiday season is upon us. There's going to be a lot of temptations ahead…

And I used to be so guilty falling for all those temptations!

I'd find myself at a party or at the office, indulging in sweets and foods full of artificial ingredients.

I'd say to myself…"It's the holidays – I only get to have <insert certain food here> once a year! I'll work it off in January."

What really ends up happening is that I eat too much, my cravings increase and I end up eating all that holiday food in overload! And then when January rolls around and I look in the mirror at my skin and my body, I regret everything.

Thankfully, I have found a better way to treat my body and stop shoving it full of artificial crap. And this new way not only allows me to enjoy the holidays, have fun at parties, and celebrate, but it also allows me to feel freaking fantastic when January rolls around.

Food can either help the body become beautiful or not. There's little in-between.

If you've had trouble with this type of scenario in the past, or want to save time this holiday season, I have a solution and it's available for FREE!

My team and I have been cooking up a storm and working hard on this year's Food Babe Healthy Holiday Survival Guide. We've done all the work for you, so you don't have to. Imagine your entire holiday menus planned and done and much more... 

Here's what you'll get:

  • 20+ healthy holiday recipes that the whole family will love with the best ingredients (my family swoons over these dishes!!!)
  • Popular brands to avoid this holiday season
  • Holiday detox strategies so you can feel your best at parties and in January!
  • Tips for saving time while prepping for your holiday meal
  • Day-after and dessert recipes that will make your mouth water
  • Edible gift options to make for loved ones this season

If you sign up for the Food Babe Membership program by this Friday, Nov 6th, I'll give this Healthy Holiday Survival Guide to you as a FREE bonus (it's normally $29.99). 

The Healthy Holiday Survival Guide is available here for full price ($29.99) or FREE when you join the membership program (from $17.99).

There's really no secret to getting everlasting health and the body you want. You just need to learn the skills, habits, recipes and routine that get you there. That's the only difference between people who succeed and fail. I want you to win and we are here to cheer you along the way – will you join us?














P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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