Thursday, May 28, 2015

I bet you ate this as a child too.

So much is happening.

Companies are changing left and right. This is the start of a major food revolution and it's all because of you!

Taco Bell and Pizza Hut just announced they will be removing artificial colors and flavors from some of their food. When I wrote about them last year (and you shared the investigations), millions of people read the truth about these companies and now they are owning up to making some changes. We still, however, have a lot more work to do! These companies are using a lot of processed ingredients, hidden MSG that contributes to food addiction, and factory farmed meat that is given antibiotics and raised with growth hormones and GMOs – food that I don't support. 

I have a lot more to say about the recent news and you'll be hearing more soon, until then, I want to tell you about a product that I used to eat as a child that you probably did too.

We used to have a Kmart really close by my house. Every time we would visit, I would beg my mom for Little Debbie Snacks for my school lunchbox. Those boxes of deliciousness (and now grossness) lined the end cap of the aisle so nicely by checkout, we just couldn't miss them when we walked by. Little did I know at the time, that I was eating one of the most controversial preservatives ever invented!

Read about this "food" and other products containing this ingredient here in this brand new blog post.

We definitely want to avoid these types of ingredients at all costs! Please spread the word.



P.S. This weekend I'm kicking up my green juicing & raw eats to get ready for Summer. Tomorrow I'll share exactly how I plan to get started!










P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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