Friday, May 8, 2015

Before you ever buy sunscreen again...

Remember, your skin is your largest organ.

It covers and protects everything on your body. How you treat it is incredibly important to your health. However, the skin is one of the most unappreciated organs, and one that I used to totally take for granted, slathering products full of toxic chemicals on it day after day. When I look back at all the different potions I've tried, I shake my head in disbelief and wish I would have known better.

Not only would I not have developed eczema all over my body and face, but I would have looked a million times better growing up.

One of those products that has always caused me issues – is sunscreen. Every time after a beach vacation or going to the pool, I'd end up with a rash on my face or body. I wondered if I'd eaten something that I was allergic to. Little did I know at the time – the culprit was sunscreen!

I certainly don't want to look like a wrinkly old hag when I'm older from laying out in the sun too long without protection – but I also don't want to increase my cancer risk by using products that could be harmful. Anti-aging is important to me and that's why I live the way I do – not only do I want to look my best when I'm older, I want to feel my best too.

This is why I partnered with the first ever certified Non-GMO and organic sunscreen brand called Raw Elements.

Their sunscreen is rated a "1" by the respected Environmental Working Group and provides amazing coverage when I'm out in the sun. I use their tinted stick on my face and their lotion all over my body. I love to scuba dive, so I need to have good protection in the water – this stuff stays on, which is a blessing!

When you order on Raw Elements Online Shop here – Get 10% off with checkout code: "foodbabe"  

They work for children and all ages. Hope you enjoy the discount we are offering and the sun this weekend.



P.S. To get the 10% off please remember to use the code "foodbabe" at checkout - a small portion of all sales go to supporting our mission - so thank you!

P.P.S. To review an investigation on sunscreen ingredients, check this post out.














P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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