Thursday, September 11, 2014

5 Natural Remedies for Ovarian Cysts

5 Natural Remedies for Ovarian Cysts

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5 Natural Remedies for Ovarian Cysts

Posted: 10 Sep 2014 08:00 AM PDT


An ovarian cyst can be defined simply as a fluid-filled sac that forms around or within an ovary. While they’re usually harmless, many cases often come with an array of physical symptoms. Ovarian cysts can be quite painful and cause unpleasant sensations, so finding ways of reducing their severity and duration can be helpful for quickly and successfully improving wellbeing. For those suffering from an ovarian cyst, the good news is that most cysts go away on their own. Nonetheless, discomfort often demands some type of approach, even when they aren’t permanent. At worst, these cysts can rupture or cause damage to the ovaries. Scar tissue might build up in cysts and form an adhesion, attaching to the ovary and causing a great deal of discomfort.


Medical approaches for ovarian cysts are generally invasive, but they aren’t your only option. Research has found 6 types of natural approaches that can help support ovary health, especially when facing this painful condition. These include:


Like everything else involving health, diet is a key factor behind the development of ovarian cysts. A large percentage of modern foods purchased in supermarkets today include an array of synthetic and naturally-occurring estrogens, all of which interfere with proper ovary health. Soy, which is found in large amounts of food today, is one of the most common dietary sources of estrogens. Did you know that ovarian cysts are now seen in girls who haven’t even menstruated? [1]This may be related to the common intake of soy.

Factory-raised animals are given antibiotics and hormones to increase their size and weight, yielding a heavy health cost to consumers. If you eat such adulterated meat — which is nearly all that supermarkets sell — then it’s likely contributing to your ovarian cysts. Plus, conventionally-raised meat may also be bad for the environment. You need to switch to organic and free-range meat, or better yet, reduce or eliminate your meat consumption.

Many common plastics contain xenoestrogens that can seep into food, so it is advisable for women (and even men) to avoid microwaving or storing food in plastic containers or plastic wrap. Better still, why not toss the microwave and store all food in glass. Also, avoid all products that contain aluminum, which is a xenoestrogen. The simplest way to figure out what’s OK and what isn’t is to use products that include only natural (preferably organic) ingredients.


Homeopathy, a practice that calls upon various herbal tinctures and concoctions, is often used to support ovarian health. [2] Common homeopathic preparations for ovarian cysts include arsenicum, belladonna, and apis mellifica. Homeopathy is viewed as a complementary approach that is meant to work with the body's natural biological mechanisms to support overall health, including the health of the ovaries.

Traditional Chinese Approaches

Traditional Chinese approaches to healing are triple pronged. The approach utilizes herbs, dietary modification, and acupuncture. It is entirely different from Western medicine because it tries to bring the body into a natural balance, rather than force changes on a single aspect. Because of its complexity, you should see a qualified practitioner. Many women have found that traditional health approaches can bring great benefit from the suffering caused by ovarian cysts. [3]


Enzymes have a range of beneficial effects that can help women with ovarian cysts. In fact, I would suggest that they’re necessary for reducing the risk for return, even if you use other approaches. Enzymes are naturally contained in food, and no treatment, no matter how effective, will prevent the return of cysts if you don’t bother to eat a healthy diet. It’s interesting to note that enzyme treatment for ovarian cysts is the same as enzyme treatment for fertility problems.

That shouldn’t be surprising, because cysts are often a contributing factor to infertility. There are several types of enzymes, and each one provides a different benefit. The enzymes most likely to help control ovarian cysts are bromelain, chymotrypsin, pancreatin, papain, rutin, and trypsin. Females may wish to seek out a product that contains a blend of all 6 enzymes for supporting ovarian health.


An underactive thyroid is frequently the primary issue behind ovarian cysts. Iodine is an important substance necessary for thyroid health, and its lack results in underactivity. Potassium is an element that’s critical for cellular health, and many table salts include iodine as a nutritive additive. However, I do not recommend taking unnatural salt because all the important micronutrients have been stripped from the final product.

Therefore, if you have an underactive thyroid, I recommend taking nascent iodine. So, if an underactive thyroid is causing your ovarian cysts, taking iodine could be the single most important thing you do. Do be aware, though, that you should not take it unless you’ve first verified that you do indeed suffer from an underactive thyroid. Also, be sure not to take too much because you don’t want to make your thyroid hyperactive! [4]


Modern medical treatments aren't for everyone when it comes to ovarian cysts, and some approaches may ultimately do more harm than good. If you want to resolve a complex problem like this, then you must look into your overall health. You need to assure that your diet can support good health and that you’re obtaining all needed nutrients. What works for one may not work for another. You are an individual, and the needs of your body are not identical to anyone else. So, if you suffer from ovarian cysts, don’t give up hope. These 6 approaches will likely help you achieve full, natural health!

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Pienkowski C, Cartault A, Carfagna L, Ernoult P. Vial J, Lemasson F, Le Mandat A, Galinier P, Tauber M. Ovarian cysts in prepubertal girls. Endocrine Development. July 25, 2012. doi: 10.1159/000326627.
  2. Ahmed Badawy and Abubaker Elnashar. Treatment options for polycystic ovary syndrome. Int J Womens Health. 2011; 3: 25-35. doi: 10.2147/IJWH.S11304.
  3. Jake Paul Fratkin, MOD, LAc. Ovarian Cysts and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Acupuncture Today. April 2009.
  4. A Dehghan, A Esfandiari, S Momeni Bigdeli. Alternative Treatment of Ovarian Cysts with Tribulus terrestris Extract: A Rat Model. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. August 24, 2011. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2011.01877.x.

The post 5 Natural Remedies for Ovarian Cysts appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.

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