Thursday, July 18, 2019

How I battle sleeplessness and anxiety...

So, I've been thinking a lot about sleep…

It's one of those things that you don't really cherish until you're not getting enough of it. 

As a mom running a business, I can tell you that I haven't always slept as much as I would have liked and when I don't get enough of it, crappy things start happening. 

I get sick. I get anxiety. I get cranky. And my eyes start to sag. 

And that's one of the reasons why I take magnesium daily.

You see, magnesium helps promote a good night's sleep. And a host of other benefits. I filmed a short video explaining more detail on this page:

(Watch it to see what usually keeps me awake at night. Here's a hint - I bet you do one of these things, too). 

The big problem with magnesium? It's hard to get the recommended daily average from food alone. Which is another reason why I take it.

Now, the question is:

Which magnesium do I recommend?

Well, since magnesium has been so important for me, I knew I wanted to create my own. And that's exactly what I did over at Truvani.

It's called Mineral Magic, and it's a magnesium tablet made from magnesium sourced from the mineral-rich Dead Sea. 

Other companies often find magnesium, and heavily process it. We use naturally occurring magnesium, use minimal processing, and turned it into a ready-to-take tablet. 

It's available today and you can learn about it here.

Check it out and let me know if you have any questions.



P.S. Now, of course, before taking any vitamins and minerals as a dietary supplement, it's important to consult with your own healthcare professional or doctor…

That said, I suggest you watch the new video now though. Even if it's just to see what I'm up to. 



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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