Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Summertime: Expectations vs. hard-hitting reality

Summer is supposed to be a season where life gets a little simpler:

Our workload gets a bit lighter…

We get more time off...

The days are longer, giving us more time to spend with friends and family…

Now, with all this *extra* time, you'd think sticking to healthy routines would be a breeze right?


Our health goals don't always make it onto the agenda.

Which reminds me of a question I get asked all the time:

"How do you live a healthy life, Vani?"

In other words…

How do I juggle my desire to be healthy with working full-time, being a mom, and trying to enjoy life?

And the truth is…

It's not always easy, but it's always possible.

The trick?

Keep things simple.

Don't try to do everything at once. Start with one small healthy habit and do it each day.

When it becomes a routine, add another small habit.

That's it.

Next thing you know, you'll have a fully automated health routine.

How can you get started?

I LOVE to eat foods that can help maintain healthy inflammation responses.

And it's as simple as taking this each morning.

It may seem too easy, but taking this each day helps me feel like my best.

Now, I'd like you to try it, too.



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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