Monday, June 17, 2019

“I’m from Europe and U.S. food scares me”

I saw this comment on an article I shared on Facebook: "I am from Europe and eating some food here in the US scares me. I am very picky when doing groceries."

I had shared a news article from The Guardian about how the food in the U.S. is filled with risky ingredients that aren't used in Europe:

"It may sound odd, but in America, your loaf of bread can contain ingredients with industrial applications – additives that also appear in things like yoga mats, pesticides, hair straighteners, explosives and petroleum products. Some of these chemicals, used as optional whiteners, dough conditioners and rising agents, may be harmful to human health…[and] despite petitions from several advocacy groups – some dating back decades – the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still considers these to be Gras or "generally recognized as safe" to eat, though plenty of experts disagree."

As I wrote extensively about in my book Feeding You Lies, not only does the U.S. FDA allow thousands of virtually unregulated additives in our food, some major food companies sell safer and cleaner versions of their products overseas without all these crazy additives.

If there is one thing that makes us mad about our food, this one takes the cake. I've heard from hundreds of you (probably thousands, actually) who are so fed up and want to do something to clean up our food. You ask me, what can we do next?

We've been doing long-range planning here at Food Babe headquarters... And I'm happy to report that we have a couple incredible new projects in the works. We're going to do some things that we've never done before (but that many of you have asked for!)

These projects are still in the early planning stages... so I'm not quite ready to announce what we're working on yet, but just know they'll take what we've already done to the next level and will reach more people who don't know the truth about our food. And we want your input!

My team and I want to hear from you…

  • What can we do to help your personal health mission or your family?
  • Do you want to petition another food company to change? Who and why?
  • Is there a specific food brand that we need to investigate or expose?
  • How do you like to consume information, is it through social media, podcasts or YouTube?

Simply reply to this email and tell me. We are reading EVERY single email!

I can't wait to hear your ideas and what you think. This will help shape our future projects and could make a huge difference in the world. You and me together, along with the entire Food Babe Army. Let's do it!



P.S. I'm dead serious when I say that I want to personally hear from you. Please hit the reply button and tell me your thoughts. It only takes a few minutes and means so much.

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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