Wednesday, May 22, 2019

We've never done ANYTHING like this before…

I have a quick story for you, and then I have a surprise!

First, the story…

It starts with the plants in my garden. When I care for them, I keep it simple. Water. Sunlight. And some patience.

But there's one thing I do that's a little bit "weird":

I don't plant them in the ground. I plant them above clean soil. You see, you never know what types of chemicals have been dumped into the ground.

So, I choose to avoid it all together by carefully selecting the soil I grow my garden in.

It got me thinking...

We live in a time where we can take control over our health. We can control the decisions we make, the types of foods we eat, the products we use... And, we can even control where we plant our garden.

But, back when I had health issues, I never felt like I had this kind of control.

I didn't have time, so I ate fast food.

I didn't want to seem weird at company dinners, so I didn't ask too many questions about whether my food was healthy or not.

I didn't read ingredient labels.

Eventually, I found myself in the hospital.

It was a surprising wakeup call, but it made me realize that I needed to start taking care of myself.

It made me realize that I needed to make a change.

And the first change I made was taking control over my health.

I couldn't leave my decisions up to the office catering order…

Or the food industry.

I had to control what I could:

  • I stopped eating processed food.
  • I started learning how to cook.
  • I binged on the food network and learned how to make healthy food from ingredients I could recognize.
  • And when I was pressed for time, I'd make a green smoothie.

Realizing I had control was a big moment in getting healthy for me, and that's something I want to pass on to you today.

You have the power to take control and today is the day to start doing it.

And that leads me to the surprise...

We are doing something BRAND NEW at Truvani.

Something we've never done before.

And we're not sure if it will happen again…

Personally, I think you're going to LOVE it!

So, if you want to find out what it is…

Just click here.



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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