Friday, December 7, 2018

It's not me, it's you.

I didn't set out to change the food industry. But it's happening because of you. And now it's time for us to start a new campaign.

I'm starting a movement to get my new book, Feeding You Lies, into as many hands as we can. It will teach you how to make food decisions that are not manipulated by Big Food. It will help you lead a healthier life. It will also send a message to the industry that we are on to their tricks and how we want them to change.  

But, I can not do this alone...

Just like it was never me who changed the bread at Subway or got the dyes out of Kraft mac n' cheese - it was YOU. All of you who have signed our petitions and shared our campaigns in the past, you are the reason why the food industry is changing. It's not me - it's you.

I don't expect very much mainstream media attention surrounding this book - it is going to take a grassroots movement to spread the word. For the next couple months, this will be my primary focus. Our campaign starts now, and even if you can't buy a copy of Feeding You Lies, you can still help.

Here's the game plan:

  • Share this blog post about Feeding You Lies on your social media channels or email your friends.
  • Visit your local bookstores and ask them to carry the book. You can also pre-order a copy from local bookstores online here. This shows them there is demand for this book and will encourage them to carry it.
  • Contact your favorite media organizations (tv, papers, radio, podcasts) and ask them to request an advance copy and review the book.
  • Pre-order yourself a copy (if you haven't already). Keep track of your receipt because I'll be sending everyone who pre-orders a hardcover copy some incredible bonuses. You won't want to miss out on these. I'll be sharing those details soon after they are finalized.
  • Purchase gift copies for your loved ones. Consider donating them to organizations as well. If you pre-order 3 or more hardcover books, you'll gain some additional bonuses!
  • If you have your own blog, platform, or are in the media, request an advance review copy here.

Thank you for sticking your neck out there with me and getting involved. As we've always done, this is how we are going to improve our food - from the ground up!



P.S. If you have some friends or family on your holiday shopping list who would love to know more about how to get healthy for life, this book would make a great gift! You don't need to wait for shipping. To give this book as a holiday gift, click here to get a printable gift card to let the recipient know that their book is on the way.

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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