Monday, October 19, 2020

Keeping the weight off for life. It's simple with this.

It's a very complicated food world out there. 

You email me… confused… angry… scared… and unsure how to lose weight and get unhooked to processed food. 

The #1 question I get is this...

"Can you develop a weight loss plan for me and give me everything I need to know – the ingredients, the shopping list, the menu, and what to eat?" 

I hear - "Please show me what you're doing because I want to do it too".

8 years ago I launched my Meal Planning Program, which has helped thousands of people lose weight, get off processed food, and feel better than they have in years. 

If you haven't heard, I'm giving away a FREE 12 Month Membership in my meal planning program to EVERYONE who buys my cookbook, Food Babe Kitchen, by tomorrow! 

Here is where to sign up! 

(Order from ANY bookstore by Tuesday to qualify. Submit the claim form to get your meal plans!)

Listen to Jennifer's phenomenal success on this program:

"I have struggled with my weight in my thoughts and self image or actually being overweight most of my life. I was one hundred pounds overweight and pre diabetic. I had abnormally high white blood cell count, plantar fasciitis, and heals spurs. I had tried every diet. 

I had lost fifty pounds here and there and then gained it back. It was a cycle. I felt hopelessly addicted to food. I felt trapped in the cycle. I was always worried about the longevity of my life for the sake of my children as well as my own.

I started learning about food. I had several friends who were on this journey as well. Then one day my mom, Debbie, told me about Food Babe. I signed up for her monthly menus. I was so excited to have the meal plans and the shopping lists. There are so many "healthy plans" . Yet Food Babe is very practical and teaches you how to have spice in life without the chemicals. The food is tasty and enjoyable. It is beautiful to the eyes as well as tasting great. 

As for me, I have lost sixty six pounds to date. I no longer have plantar fasciitis or heel spurs. My white blood cell count is completely normal. My nursing rash went away in the first twenty one days of eating an anti inflammatory diet with no antibiotics. I feel great. I am not at my goal weight yet but I will get there."

- Jennifer 

Nothing gives me more joy than to help people. And, I want to help you too.

Order Food Babe Kitchen from ANY bookstore and get your 12 Months FREE Meal Plans

Here's everything you'll get in the program:

New Meal Plan Each Month:

  • 19 *new* delicious recipes
  • Meal calendar outlining daily menus
  • Detailed grocery list

Food Babe Starter Guide:

  • "The Terrible 20" ingredients, where to spot them and what to eat instead.
  • Top organic budget tips and organic shopping priority list.
  • Strategies on how to curb cravings and stay on track in the face of temptation.

You'll also receive…

  • Substitution Chart: Helpful ingredient suggestions for food allergies or picky eaters.
  • Success Journal: The ultimate tool to keep yourself on track.

Get started here before your book even arrives for FREE! 

Lots of love to you for your support! 




P.S. Here's what more members say about the meal plan program: 

"Our health is priceless and this membership is our Bible. Since purchasing the annual membership and transitioning to a more healthy lifestyle, we feel so much better and we have both lost 15 pounds each! Not only are we living a healthier life because we are eating better, but we are decreasing the chance of developing ailments!" - Joe & Sue

"I started my journey at 216, and as of this morning, I am down 9.6 pounds which is great. What I am most proud of is taking control of my health and eating habits. The best part about changing my health is cooking. I forgot how much I like to cook and using the meal prep guide is fun and keeps me on track while looking ahead." - Kerry

"I love how I feel, huge amounts of energy (walking average of 7-10 miles per day), dropped 40 lbs and of course the way my taste buds have changed to crave all the wonderful nutrients I allow them. I am blessed in that I don't have to deal with any health issues but I believe this would not be the case without the changes in my diet." - Ellen

"Since I started following Food Babe's eating principals I have felt so much better physically. I don't feel like I am 'denying' myself by passing up chemical-laden artificially-colored sweets, whereas I used to have to resist temptation constantly with sweets. I have higher energy, feel more attractive, and feel more in control of my appetite. Best of all, I feel like I am feeding my kids not only nutritious food, but also food that is FOOD – not artificial, made in a laboratory, junk." - Nina

Click to get your meal plans today. This bonus expires tomorrow!


Food Babe Kitchen - Get a free list of EVERYTHING in my pantry now with every book purchase.

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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