Thursday, April 2, 2015

I want to make you lunch - are you in?

Many of you are upset about what's happening in the food industry and I don't blame you.

Upon reading my investigations and finding out the truth, you say:

"Tell me what I can eat!"

"That's my favorite brand – oh no!"

"I was addicted to that!?"

"I just fed that <insert product> to my child this morning – what am I suppose to do now?"

Well, I have a solution and I want to make sure you know about it!

The only person who can control your health is you. I didn't understand this growing up. Instead, I believed what everyone else around me was telling me. I looked up to several authoritative figures, organizations and companies and blindly followed them as many people do today.

If you've heard my story, you know I suffered a myriad of health issues that inspired me to investigate the food I was eating.

When I was little, I was a very sick child. I had stomach issues, eczema in every crease of my body, asthma, allergies and was totally out of shape – I couldn't do one sit up. (I'm not kidding!).

Right after a health crisis in my early 20's, the first thing I wanted to do was lose weight and look better. I was over 30 pounds heavier and felt terrible.

The food industry and organizations like "Weight Watchers" told me I could eat anything I wanted as long as I checked the calories or points and fat grams. I followed their advice and found myself always in a struggle to maintain my weight. The advice left me with no energy and feeling hungry all the time.

I outsourced my meals to restaurants like Subway that told me I would "eat fresh" and lose weight like Jared if I ordered their sandwiches. I believed them and so many other restaurant chains that were serving me industrial chemicals instead of real food.

For so long, I looked to everyone else for answers. I didn't know that everything I believed for most of my life would be turned upside down once I started to investigate this for myself.

My biggest lesson learned during all of this discovery has been:

I cannot outsource my health or my food.

As a result, I started to learn how to cook and how to prepare my own food as much as possible - and this how The Food Babe Eating Guide was born.

I created this membership, so you could join too.

It can be simple. All it takes is a little planning and action.

I put all the tools, secrets and strategies that have helped me go from someone who used to struggle to eat healthy food to someone who now finds it a breeze in the Food Babe Eating Guide Program.

If you sign up to be a member before Wednesday, April 8th, you'll also get a 40-page bonus guide for on-the-go lunch recipes that you will love completely FREE!

Check out the program here.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 


P.S. You can start today! You get access to this downloadable program minutes after you sign up :) 



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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