Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Awesome gifts with purchase

So, we're doing something crazy. We have a special deal going on for our Plant Based Protein Powder Relaunch…

For a limited time, when you sign up for any protein subscription you get 25% off every month, plus we are giving away 2 great gifts for FREE!

But the biggest question? "What does it taste like?"

Unfortunately, clean food gets a bad rap. People think clean means "tastes gross." 

It's sad. Because weird ingredients like natural flavors... stevia... are in tons of products... 

And they're gross. They don't need to be there, and they kind of taste funny… 

Meanwhile, many clean products that are supposed to be the better option…

Also, taste gross. Almost like they taste "too clean." 

Now, at Truvani ingredients matter. Taste also matters.

So we don't use "weird ingredients." 

We believe that flavoring should come from the actual ingredients themselves. 

Like with our Banana Cinnamon Plant Based Protein Powder. The flavor? 

Comes from banana powder. And cinnamon. Go figure. 

But you still might be concerned: "If Truvani doesn't use these flavor options, what do they taste like?"

Let me quote a customer…

"I am obsessed with this. First of all Banana Cinnamon? Does life get any better? So glad I discovered this tasty treat!" - Lynn W. VERIFIED BUYER

There's a need for products that taste great. And have ingredients your body will thank you for. 

It's why we've decided to tell you about all of our proteins... 

There are 7 different Truvani Plant Based Protein Powders available. 

You can see all 7 of them right here.

And the good news?

You can lock in our special deal today. There's a discount on subscription, plus some added gifts (while supplies last).

Visit our new Truvani Plant Based Protein page for the details.





P.S. We also have a special gift for everyone who subscribes to one of our Plant Based Protein Powders. It's a complete "starter kit." Check it out...



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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