Thursday, August 6, 2020

What is this pandemic all about?

I've been thinking a lot about what's happening in the world and trying to figure out the bigger picture.

If you've read my books or have followed me for awhile, you'll know that I believe in taking personal responsibility for my health and what I put into my body. 

I don't outsource my health to people who have deceived me in the past. Especially the government and their appointed experts, who have a sordid history of being bought off by the industry. 

To give you an example - the government has allowed Roundup weedkiller in our food for decades, and the EPA recently renewed its approval of the chemical even though it's been proven to cause cancer and Bayer is paying out billions to settle court cases by cancer patients. Their "experts" say it's safe - but they are lying so they can keep raking in the profits. 

This is just ONE example of the many disastrous chemicals allowed in our food, water, and environment. They use paid experts and manipulated science to fool the public into believing these chemicals are safe. And now suddenly, I'm supposed to trust them? The government hasn't cared about my health up until this point, and I don't plan to start trusting them now. 

I shared this on my social media (on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) and am happy to see that many of you agree and are sharing this message with your friends. If you haven't done so already, please share! Forward this email to your friends and share this post on social media. This is how change in the collective consciousness happens. 

Information is changing at lighting speed. Do the research. Follow your gut. Take care of yourself. This is the great awakening. Open your eyes. Your health depends on it!



P.S. If you haven't seen my BRAND NEW investigation into almond butter (and other nut butters), check it out here. It's packed full of information on how to choose the healthiest brands + my top picks!


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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