Thursday, May 14, 2020

Why this is unique

Yesterday, I announced the release of one of Truvani's most requested products. And wow. The response is amazing. 

It's a Plant-Based Omega 3 supplement. It's made from Algal oil. It's vegan. And you will love it. 

Here's why Truvani's Plant-Based Omega is great

This product is great because it's hard to get Omega 3 from diet alone. We get Omega 6, but not Omega 3. And that's why we're happy to introduce this supplement.

(It's also why I suspect people keep requesting it). 

Now, the question is: what makes Truvani's Plant-Based Omega so special?

People often ask us about the ingredients in our product. And we are proud of them. We source the best we can find…

...but what makes us truly special is the ingredients we don't have in our products. 

Truvani's Plant-Based Omega is made with responsibly-sourced algal oil, delivered in a banded capsule that is carrageenan-free and gelatin-free

(Many Omegas come in soft-gels. Soft-gels often have carrageenan. Sometimes they don't call it carrageenan and disguise it as "seaweed extract." Truvani doesn't use soft-gels. We use banded capsules made from cellulose)

It gets better, too.

The #1 complaint for omega supplements is "Fish burps." Because most omega supplements are made from fish oil. However, we use algal oil, which is plant-based. 

And since this is the first time we are launching this product…

We are offering it at "Launch Special Pricing." Or, in other words, we are rewarding our early supporters with a great price. As our way of saying thank you. 

Save up to 25% off Truvani's new Plant-Based Omega today

This product is great for so many reasons. So, read the new product page and let me know what you think.




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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