Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Get back your glow

Yesterday, we launched our NEW Collagen Peptides, to support healthy skin, hair, nails and so much more. 

But I have a burning question…

Do you know that after age 20, the natural collagen production in your body slows down? 

As a result, the collagen level in your skin drops by about 1% every year.

Seems small…

...but research suggests that it's connected to some of the telltale signs of aging: wrinkles, uneven skin tone etc.

And it goes beyond the changes in your skin. The collagen breakdown affects the health of your hair, nails, joints, bones, and more.

So, are you completely at the mercy of nature? NO!

What you eat affects how your body looks and feels.

And that's why we created Truvani's NEW Collagen Peptides, with an exclusive launch offer…

Claim This Deal

You may be wondering… "What exactly happens if I add this to my health routine?"

TWO things can happen.

  1. Adding collagen provides the body with the BUILDING BLOCKS to form new collagen.

Specifically, the amino acids that make up the collagen fibers.

  1. Adding collagen can support the body's own collagen production.

How? Researchers suspect that the new and intact collagen "mechanically" stimulates cells to make more collagen fibers.

The best part? Our Collagen Peptides are "hydrolyzed" for easy digestion.

It's a simple but crucial process to allow for the transfer of amino acids into your bloodstream.

The good news is: This process doesn't require any solvents or chemicals.

But this way, the collagen can get to where it needs to go…

...and you can get back your GLOW!

Plus, you can get 25% OFF your first month of a Collagen Peptides subscription (with 15% OFF every month after that) and two free gifts, on me. 

Now's the time to give it a try!



P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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