Thursday, October 26, 2017

How I stopped gaining weight this time of year

This time of year used to be a real struggle for me… the candy, cookies, feasts, pies, parties, casseroles, decorating, shopping, stress… all added up and made me pack on the pounds. Then, every January I used to find my "skinny jeans" tighter and my waistline generally uncomfortable when I sat down. Do you know the feeling? And let's not even talk about how I felt mentally – tired all the time and not self-confident at all. I hate those feelings!

After I started learning about what was really in my food, I made a conscious decision not to eat toxic chemicals in processed food regardless the time of year because I knew they were responsible for making me gain weight and making me want to eat more. This really forced me to learn how to navigate the holiday season without getting off my game.

But, don't get me wrong… I still enjoy yummy pies and goodies, but I no longer suffer with yo-yo weight and energy levels that really threw me off. Here are a few of the things I do (that YOU can do too) that have really helped me stay on track during the holiday season…

  • Drink a green drink every day: This will give you a healthy energy boost and will remind you that your health comes first. Follow this up with a healthy meal too, so that you keep your hunger in check!
  • Keep moving and stay active: Jumpstart your metabolism each day by going to the gym or enjoying a long walk with a family member you haven't seen in awhile. I always love attending fitness classes on holidays because it can be hard to motivate myself, so it helps to have an instructor or trainer cheering me on. Sweating it out will improve your mood, boost your metabolism and keep you from snacking on goodies all day.
  • Eat a little something before you go to a party: You don't want to show up ravenous, because then you'll eat everything in sight! Eat a good source of organic healthy protein and fat (such as avocado or raw nuts) to help sustain you for a few hours. This way you can still enjoy your favorite foods at the party, but won't be so hungry that you go overboard. (P.S. This also saves me every single time I am put in a situation where I wouldn't touch the food being served with a ten foot pole).
  • Focus on your friends and family: Remember what's really important and enjoy spending time with your loved ones. I love socializing at parties, rather than eating.
  • Cut out the alcohol (or keep it limited): Your liver is your main detoxifying organ, so if you're trying to lose weight drinking alcohol is your worst enemy. If you want to have a festive drink, have one glass of organic wine and then replace it with sparkling water and lime the second time around.
  • Chill out. If you are feeling super stressed out, your cortisol levels can skyrocket causing your body to hold onto weight (particularly in the waist). Fat accumulates near the stomach because the cells in the stomach are more sensitive to cortisol, and very effective at storing energy. Do some yoga, meditation, or take a long walk either before or after a meal.
  • Consider a fast: Doing a 12-hour fast after a big meal can help get your
    body back on track and help you digest everything you have eaten more efficiently.
  • Make healthier versions of your favorite holiday dishes: This will give you the option of eating at least one healthy item while you're at a party. It will also give you the opportunity to share a real food holiday dish with friends and family, showing them healthy food can be delicious!

Next Monday, I'll be offering something that will give you everything you need to have a healthy and happy holiday season, without packing on the pounds!

Make sure you keep an eye out for my email on Monday. You don't want to miss it.

Until then…



P.S. In case you missed it, here's my organic and non-GMO Halloween shopping list that is full of great swaps to traditional treats.

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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