Thursday, March 9, 2023

Are you experiencing these issues?

While everyone wants to be healthy, most people continue...

Eating fast food and processed food for nearly every meal. 

Spending most of their time inside. 

Feeling stressed out.

Drinking too much alcohol.

Watching TV, instead of moving their bodies. 

Binging on sugary treats and candy to take the edge off. 

We need to get back to the root cause of poor health, and one thing is for sure: 

Your diet can be sabotaging you…or healing you. 

If you don't feel your best, ask yourself these questions…

Do you feel sluggish and tired?

Are you prone to breakouts or eczema?

Are you often easily annoyed or irritable?

Do you always have a little congestion?

Do you feel bloated or have constant gas after eating?

Do you have trouble concentrating?

Does your skin look dull or do you have dark circles under your eyes?

If you answer *YES* to any of these questions, eating too much sugar may be the culprit. 

It seems so simple, I know…

But sugar can have a detrimental effect on your health - and in today's society it's SO EASY to overindulge.

Here's what too much sugar does to your body...

  • It makes you gain weight by adding empty calories to your diet and jacking up your blood sugar – two processes that form excess body fat. It also screws with your appetite, making you want to eat more. 
  • It weakens your immune system so you're at a greater risk of coming down with something. It fuels inflammation in the body that leads to serious health conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 
  • It makes your skin wrinkle. In a process called glycation, sugar molecules attach to collagen and elastin, two proteins that keep skin looking young, and create Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs) that weaken your skin's support structure and lead to lines and wrinkles.
  • It makes your blood sugar go sky-high – a reaction followed immediately by plummeting blood sugar. That low blood sugar triggers feelings of irritability and depression
  • It interferes with communication among brain cells. A Mayo Clinic report found that people who eat a lot of sugar have a much higher chance of cognitive decline as they age. 

So, if you want to lose weight, have more energy, reduce your risk of sickness and disease, and have radiant skin… 

Getting rid of extra sugar in your diet is the BEST thing you could do for yourself! 

That being said, it's not easy. 

Most food is laden with added sugars, and sugar is VERY addicting. It's really hard to stop eating it. (Some studies say sugar is more addictive than cocaine!)

I'm here to help you. 

I've created an effective program to break the sugar habit that has worked for over 10,000 people.

TRY IT NOW: Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox  (Sign ups end on Monday 3/13/23!)

You'll get instant access to the program FOR LIFE so you can start ANYTIME you'd like.

So, if you can't start next week no worries! 

But you need to sign up now before we close the doors. I only open this program up once a year, so don't let this opportunity slip by. 

It's a packed program with how-to guides, meal plans, recipes, videos and more!

Check out everything included and read the testimonials here.

You'll get all the tools you need and my team is always available to support you and answer your questions! 

If you know anyone who struggles with sugar or their health, please forward this email to them. Maybe they will do the detox with you? Let's detox from sugar together! 

Get started here.



P.S. Look at what some people have to say about the Food Babe 7-Day Sugar Detox...

"I have lost almost 5 pounds. I have eaten more delicious food this week than I have in my entire life. I have found the recipes so very delicious." ~ Glenna

"I thought it would be impossible but it wasn't and we succeeded! We feel so much better after doing the detox and now know that we have self control and that sugar does not run our lives." ~ Lia

"My husband and I are absolutely loving it! We never feel hungry and the sugar cravings have virtually vanished! The recipes are amazing and the plan is so easy to follow! We are going to continue eating this way forever!" ~ Lori


P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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