Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Are you being scammed by these food labels?

Imagine the following scenario…

You're grocery shopping and trying to find a good mayonnaise. 

You know most brands are made with canola or soybean oil… and since you've read my investigations, you know these oils can lead to inflammation and aren't healthy for you. 

So, your goal is to find a brand made WITHOUT those oils. 

As you approach the jars of mayonnaise…one brand stands out to you:

Hellman's Olive Oil Mayonnaise with the words "Olive Oil" in large letters on the front of the jar. 

You think, "PERFECT!" and stick it in your cart. 

Once you get home, you notice the ingredient list on the back of the mayonnaise jar and gasp in astonishment as you see that canola oil and soybean oil are in it. 

Now you're feeling scammed! 

This is a reminder to ALWAYS read the ingredient list on food before you buy…and not to trust what the front of the package says. 

Sadly, this isn't an isolated event. Many products lie on the front of the packaging. Here are a few more to watch out for…

WATCH: Are you being scammed by these food labels?

  • Country Crock with "Olive Oil" is made with MORE palm oil and canola oil than Olive Oil.
  • Sara Lee "All Butter" Pound Cake also contains soybean oil and mono-and-diglycerides (potentially hidden from trans fat).
  • French's Honey Mustard "Made with Real Honey" is MOSTLY sweetened with white sugar.
  • Xtreme Wellness Spinach & Herbs Tortillas contain "2% or less" spinach and mostly processed wheat and cellulose (linked to weight gain, inflammation and digestive problems).
  • Wish-Bone Salad Dressing with Avocado Oil still contains unhealthy soybean oil and refined sugar.
  • Ocean Spray 100% Juice is mostly made with juice concentrates (very processed) plus added flavors, fumaric acid, and gums.

You'll find more grocery shopping tips like this in my cookbook, Food Babe Kitchen, which is released in paperback this week. 

Food Babe Kitchen has over 100 delicious recipes made with real food ingredients along with all of my food shopping and label reading tips. It's jam-packed with info! 

Pick up your copy today at these retailers:

If you know anyone who might be swindled by lies on the package, please forward this email to them and ask them to subscribe here. People need to know the truth. 



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