A recent survey revealed that Doritos are the most popular snack in America, out-ranking M&M's.
I probably shouldn't be surprised. I can hardly recall a time that I've gone to a party or outdoor cookout where Doritos aren't being served. Have you ever wondered WHY this is? What makes them so appealing?
I did some digging and found some insane facts about Doritos…
WATCH: Insane Facts About Doritos
100 million Americans consume Doritos each year. And 6.65 million Americans consume 8 or MORE bags a month. Eight!
WOW! I told you…It's insane how popular Doritos are
Doritos are designed in a factory to be highly addictive:
First, they contain MSG.
MSG is only added to food to make it taste so irresistible that you keep coming back for more. MSG is what they feed rats in scientific studies to make them fat. It also is associated with increased risk of obesity in humans. Studies show this additive can help you gain weight, despite how many calories you eat.
Then they pile on "Natural Flavors" and "Artificial Flavors".
These are proprietary mixtures crafted in a lab, which are very similar to MSG. These flavors are designed so that you experience the best 1 millionth part of the taste – so you keep wanting to go back for more and more, searching continuously for gratification – eating more of that product.
Sound familiar???
This is how they hijack your taste buds so you can't stop eating Doritos. And keep buying more!
This is concerning because Doritos in America are filled with artificial colors that they don't use in other countries. These artificial colors are derived from petroleum and linked to several health issues, including allergies and hyperactivity in children, which require a warning label in Europe. Recent research shows they may also disrupt the immune system.
Doritos in the U.S. also contain GMO ingredients and have tested positive for Roundup weedkiller residues linked to cancer.
If you eat Doritos, is it time to stop buying them?
The decision is yours.
Thankfully, I found a way to make Homemade "Doritos", so you can stop buying the ones full of MSG and artificial ingredients.
My homemade version tastes incredible too, especially when they are still a bit warm from the oven! You'll find my recipe for Homemade Doritos (which are organic and non-GMO) in the Food Babe Kitchen cookbook. If you don't have my cookbook yet, I posted the recipe on my blog, so you can try it ASAP!
Click for Homemade "Doritos" Recipe!
Please share this Doritos recipe with your friends and family who are still buying Doritos full of questionable ingredients.
Are you going to stop buying them? Tell me in the comments here!
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