We are being duped and conned at every turn. It's time to stop outsourcing our health to the food industry and take back control.
Witnessing so many transformations from eating a typical American diet to this new way of life, gives me even more confirmation that quitting my full-time job to dedicate my life to helping others live in this over-processed food world was the best decision I've ever made. Yes, we've gotten big companies to change their ingredients together, and that's totally worth it, but these stories below from real people like you keep me going the strongest and will make the biggest impact on the food industry in the long run!
I know that many of you don't know where to start, or even how to cook (believe me, I've been there). I've figured out how to navigate this over-processed food world and I'm going to show you how to do it with ease, peace of mind and an easy-to-follow plan.
The Food Babe Eating Guide is a program will help you opt out of this broken system and finally break free from the grips of the food industry. We can't control what they are doing to our food, but we can control what we put in our mouths everyday.
These are just some of the people who started taking back control and have changed their lives forever:
"Since purchasing the annual membership and transitioning to a more healthy lifestyle, we feel so much better and we have both lost 15 pounds each! Not only are we living a healthier life because we are eating better, but we are decreasing the chance of developing ailments!!!" – Joe and Sue
"The recipes are easy to prepare, delicious and I can always trust that ingredients are the cleanest possible. Since I started following Food Babe's eating principals I have felt so much better physically. I don't feel like I am "denying" myself by passing up chemical-laden artificially-colored sweets, whereas I used to have to resist temptation constantly with sweets. I have higher energy, feel more attractive, and feel more in control of my appetite." ~ Nina
"The thing I have noticed most about using the food guides is that I actually love cooking! I wasn't so much of a cook before. I love knowing what exactly is going into my food and it actually tastes better than restaurants!" ~ Rachel
You can read more stories here.
For only $119.88 (that's an investment of $9.99 a month!) you'll have our full support for an entire year plus a Starter Guide, a new Monthly Eating Guide each month, and all bonus material – hundreds of pages of knowledge at your finger tips INSTANTLY. You can ask us anything, anytime you like.
If that option isn't right for you, you can try the program for just $17.99 too (without the bonus material).
Living an organic lifestyle is not always easy – but can be with these guides and the help from my team.
If you're unhappy with the way you are eating or need help – The Food Babe Eating Guide program is here for you.
JOIN HERE: http://foodbabe.com/eating-guides/
Again, if you have any questions about this program, let us know!
Sending you much love,
P.S. Remember the 3 free bonuses (valued at $180) are going away at Midnight tonight and won't be available for free any longer. Next week I'm getting back to investigating, so stay tuned. I am so fired up at what I am discovering and can't wait to share it with you.
If you would like to stop receiving free food investigations, recipes and healthy living tips, click here.
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