Monday, September 8, 2014

It's here and you can have instant access!

Today's the day. We've been working hard on this for you.

The Food Babe Eating Guide will help you opt out of this broken system and finally break free from the grips of the food industry. We can't control what they are doing to our food, but we can control what we put in our mouths everyday.

When I started this blog, the number one question I got from my friends and family was this: "Can you develop a real food weight loss plan for me – and give me everything I need to know – the ingredients, the shopping list, the menu, what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat it?"

They'd go on to say "I'll do anything to get to my ideal weight" and begged me for help. I wanted to help every one of them so bad – but knew I couldn't give them my full undivided attention due to the time commitments I had with a full time job and running this blog as my passion. There was just no way.

Since then, I gained a lot more friends (you!) along the way… and luckily I figured out how to offer my Food Babe way of life and weight loss advice to you in a guide that will not only get you feeling your best – but looking your best too. Transforming your body from the inside out is so magical and I'm thrilled this program is now available to all of you.

The Food Babe Eating Guide is strategically designed and portioned appropriately to either help you get healthy & slim or to help you maintain the healthy journey you are already on. This guide will make life easier, less complicated and help you adopt essential habits that will last a lifetime.

Here are all the details:

As a thank you to everyone who signs up to be a yearly member before Friday, September 12, We are offering 3 special bonus guides.

1.  A Juice Cleanse Guide that features everything you need to know to successfully conduct a juice cleanse with an 8-day total reset detox plan – including what to do and eat before and after the cleanse. 

You can use this bonus guide 4 times a year (like I plan on doing) to successfully reset every season – like right now, after an indulgent summer!

2. A "One Pot" Meal Guide. Throw the ingredients in a pot and let the slow cooker do this rest. Simple to cook meals are a huge time saver for busy lives. It includes15 time saving, easy and delicious one pot meal recipes (perfect for any skill level)

3. The season of eating is right around the corner, and the Holiday Guide will help you stay on track, inspire your family and avoid pitfalls. This includes ideas for hosting or attending a Food Babe approved holiday meal, full menu & recipes (appetizers, main entrees and desserts) and guidelines to keep you from overindulging

I know you are going to love this program – the feedback so far has been amazing.

You can start now right here -

Once you sign up, all the guides (hundreds of pages of life changing advice & recipes) will be available to download immediately by logging into your profile. We are here to support you in your journey, answering any question you have along the way.

When I took back control of what I was eating, I started living a life I never thought was possible. Remember what I said in the last email, my one simple habit? Cooking 15 meals a week that you control the ingredients will dramatically reduce your exposure to the toxins in our food. Do this for yourself, your family and the planet.

It's time to make living in an over-processed food world a piece of cake!




P.S. This is an investment in your health. Following the principles in this program has changed my life forever and I want you to experience the same. Remember to grab the bonuses soon, they are only available until Friday!

P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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