Friday, September 19, 2014

10 Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite

10 Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite

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10 Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite

Posted: 18 Sep 2014 08:00 AM PDT


Cellulite — that yucky, ripply fat just under the skin around the buttocks and upper legs — is thought to be another modern phenomenon indicating how our lives have become out of tune with nature. Although cellulite has existed for quite a long time, even before our modern food system, it seems to be more persistent in this day and age. With an increasing amount of individuals overweight and obese, it's no wonder why many people are seeking ways of fighting this common issue. What's even more surprising is that cellulite isn’t just an issue for heavier women; even the slenderest of females can find themselves with cellulite.

What is Cellulite?

Fat is a major component of cellulite, and most people who have noticeable amounts of cellulite are often overweight. That's not to say that skinny people don't get noticeable amounts of cellulite, as many slender women also battle with the issue. One of the reasons women are so much more prone to it than men is that women have three layers of fat in cellulite areas whereas men have only one.

The other major component of cellulite is collagen, which is connective tissue. In women, collagen takes a different structure than it does in men. It’s cross-linked in men, providing a more rigid structure. In women, it’s structured more like rows. What creates cellulite’s ripple effect is the structure of collagen. Directly under the skin, bits of fat are held in place by collagen to form fat compartments. If muscles are strong, they support this structure nicely so that there’s no rippling. [1]

What’s Causing All This Cellulite?

Cellulite provides no known benefit, but afflicts around 90% of all women in industrialized nations. Though it seemed to have rarely started before age 35 around 50 years ago, it’s now often seen in teenagers. One of the blessings of approaching menopause is that cellulite tends to diminish. Therefore, it shouldn’t be too surprising that it’s more dominant in women who have high estrogen levels. [2]

This also includes our modern world which is now filled with estrogen simulators called xenoestrogens. These estrogen mimickers include pesticides, plastics, and a huge array of chemicals that we’re in contact with every day.

While it’s true that even a very slender woman can have cellulite, the more weight she carries, the more cellulite she is likely to have. So, excess fat is a factor. Cellulite tends to occur where circulation is interrupted. So, it’s found in places where elastic gets in the way of blood flow — like in the buttocks, where it’s impeded by the elastic of panties and even tight clothing. [3]

Finally, lack of muscle tone, especially in the buttocks and thighs, contributes to the appearance of cellulite. The lymph system is your waste network and is also connected to cellulite development. Lymph is fluid that carries wastes and toxins from cells for removal from the body. Unlike the blood system, which is pumped by the heart, the lymph system has no pump. It’s entirely dependent on muscle movement to do its job. Therefore, it’s absolutely necessary to be active. Otherwise, toxins and waste can’t be removed and may stay in your body, poisoning tissues and possibly worsening the cellulite.

So, cellulite may be a result of the modern world and lifestyle. An excess of estrogen, lack of exercise, excess weight, toxins and waste, and poor diet may be the root contributor to the cellulite plague. In fact, some might argue that cellulite is merely the visual indicator of our unhealthy and unnatural way of life.

What Can You Do About Cellulite?

The good news is that you really don’t have to live with cellulite. The bad news is that, unless you want to spend the money and take the pain and risk of liposuction, there is no quick and easy way to get rid of it. Nonetheless, if you’re determined you certainly can get rid of the "orange peel."

The real key for fighting cellulite is to adopt a natural, healthy lifestyle. Avoid spraying pesticides around your home and consume more organic foods. You need to improve your muscle tone and circulation, but one of the first things you should do is get rid of clothing that restricts blood and lymph flow. You can choose loose panties or wear a thong. Those tight jeans? Well…that’s up to you, but they don’t help.

Here are some natural approaches that may reduce cellulite:

  1. You must balance your hormones. This means you must not take any kind of hormone therapy — and that includes birth control pills.
  2. Avoid processed omega-6 fats, which means staying away from soy oil.
  3. Limit your caffeine intake.
  4. Avoid toxins like pesticides, plastics, modern cleaning chemicals, and non-organic personal care and cosmetic products. They all contain hormone mimics, so they disturb the natural endocrine balance.
  5. Get enough sleep! Your hormones simply cannot stay in balance if you are not getting enough sleep every day.
  6. Get plenty of omega-3 fats, such as those found in fish, olive, and nut oils.
  7. Try to get at least one to two tablespoons of coconut oil in your diet every day. It’s a great building block for hormones.
  8. Get the lymph moving! As already explained, exercise is the primary means of cycling lymph. However, there is another way to get it moving: dry skin brushing. It’s quite simple to do. Use a soft natural-bristle brush and brush your skin in one direction. Do it from the ends of your limbs for about five minutes, once or twice a day. It’s relaxing, feels good, and is a great way to eliminate toxins!
  9. Do heavy exercises with weights to strengthen your buttocks and legs. Of course, getting the rest of your body in tone will benefit your overall health.
  10. Eat a diet that’s high in healthy fats and proteins and low in refined, processed carbohydrates.

It would be easy to promise you a quick fix for your cellulite, but that would be a lie. It takes effort. For most of us, it requires a change in lifestyle to incorporate natural methods and foods, and it also takes a bit of time. The great part of it, though, is that the reduction of cellulite is a sign that you’re becoming more healthy.

Have you ever tried to reduce cellulite? What did you find to be the most successful? Please share with us your methods in the comments!

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Katherine Harmon. Is Cellulite Forever?. Scientific American. May 8, 2009.
  2. Dr. Diana Howard. Cellulite. The International Dermal Institute.
  3. Peter Crosta. What Is Cellulite? What Causes Cellulite?. Medical News Today. May 10, 2009.

The post 10 Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.

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