Wednesday, June 7, 2023

3 ingredients linked to cancer

I recently spoke at a large event in Tampa, where I discussed the lies we are being fed about our food (by the very people we should be able to trust) and how we can protect ourselves. 

Afterwards I talked with many of the people there and listened to their struggles with their health, which many attributed to the food they were eating. 

For example, I met a man who worked for Pepsi for over 20 years. He used to drink Mountain Dew every day. He was going blind in one eye, had diabetes and heart disease. It was heartbreaking. 

And while I was there to teach the truth about ingredients in our food, I learned an important lesson that day…

We have A LOT of work to do. 

The more I see how badly people are negatively affected by our food system in this country, the more passion grows within me to change it. 

What I am about to share with you will alarm you – it's so downright appalling. But you need to know about it.

The FDA allows food companies to use ingredients even after they've been linked to cancer. Just because it's in our food, doesn't mean it's safe. The FDA is a JOKE!

You'll find these ingredients in Pop-Tarts, Little Debbie Honey Buns, Pizza Rolls, PRIME drinks, and dozens more popular products.

SEE THE LIST: 3 Ingredients Linked To Cancer In Our Food (Check your products now!)

Please share this list far and wide! Everyone deserves to know the truth. 




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