Since I started sharing my passion for organic living on Food Babe (almost 3 years ago!), I've had the opportunity to meet some incredible people. Today I'm going to tell you about one person I never expected to meet who makes what we do here at Food Babe so incredibly important and rewarding.
Megan is a producer for the hit show "Home and Family" on the Hallmark Channel. Last month, I had the opportunity to meet her on the show where I shared my story, a recent investigation and top tips for healthy living.
After reading my investigations I conducted, Megan told me she was upset about the products she was consuming and wanted to do something about it. For example, she had been buying a tea full of toxins and drinking it by the box, eating tuna laced with GMOs for lunch almost everyday, and wrapping the tuna up in tortillas that were full of very controversial preservatives.
As a commitment to her health, she decided to embark on a 30-day challenge to eat an unprocessed diet with the help of the Food Babe Eating Guide. The first thing she did was clean out her cabinets. She said they were "full of processed, GMO, and non-organic food."
Then, she announced on air, to everyone watching, her commitment to this program – talk about the pressure!
During the 30 days, I watched her progress (following her on instagram and twitter @megunprocessed), answered her questions like "which yogurt is ok to buy?", helped her with the new recipes she was making and through the changes she was experiencing. Her pictures and tweets were so inspirational – I loved watching her talk about trying hemp protein for the first time, drinking and preparing green smoothies and loving all the super foods she was eating!
She did an on-air update on the "Home & Family" show half way through and invited me to come along via Skype. Hearing her remarkable progress just after 2 weeks made me smile ear to ear!
At the end of the 30 days, Megan sent me this note:
"After following the Food Babe Eating Guide I've seen a difference in multiple areas. The biggest change is my energy. I have more stamina throughout the day & don't feel fatigued like I use to before eating clean. My hair feels thicker & has been growing faster. My skin feels more nourished & I've been told it has more of a glow. Another big change has been how I deal with stress. It's not that I have less stress in my life, it just doesn't adversely affect me like it did prior to eating clean. The food on this plan is so good I don't even crave the "bad" foods I use to consume. It's easy to follow & no more worrying about counting calories! Overall the life changing benefits to this eating plan is not only evident to yourself but to those around you – I don't plan on stopping this either, I'm going to eat this way for the rest of my life!"
Witnessing Megan's transformation from eating a typical American diet to this new way of life, gives me even more confirmation that quitting my full-time job to dedicate my life to helping others live in this over-processed food world was the best decision I've ever made. Yes, we've gotten big companies to change their ingredients together, and that's totally worth it, but these stories from real people like you keep me going the strongest and will make the biggest impact on the food industry in the long run!
Living an organic lifestyle is not always easy – but can be with these guides and the help from my team.
If you're unhappy with the way you are eating or need help – The Food Babe Eating Guide program is here for you.
Again, if you have any questions about this program, let us know!
Much Love,
P.S. Also, this is a friendly reminder that the FREE Juice Cleanse guide for Eating Guide Members is only available until tomorrow, Friday 4/11 – this cleanse is to jump start this program and put a nix on those bad food cravings once and for all!
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