Friday, April 11, 2014

Exciting News! plus a reminder...

It's official - Subway announced today that the yoga mat chemical "azodicarbonamide" will be gone from all of their bread by next week, but please, for the love of your body, don't go out and eat there just yet. Subway still hasn't released the new list of ingredients to the public or press. And I have a feeling it's still going to contain a laundry list of chemicals that we shouldn't be eating and that are certainly not "fresh."


The reason I started this petition with you back in February was not only to get Subway to do this, but to spread awareness to everyone about what's happening in our food supply. Companies are telling us one thing and serving us another. The announcement proves companies can no longer hide from the truth and get away with lying to us – telling us we are "eating fresh" when we are actually eating potentially harmful man-made chemicals that are banned in other countries and that don't belong in food.


This is a huge win for the Food Babe Army, but we have a lot more work to do! And I'm already working on our next action! But until then, I'm here to help you make sense of the nonsense happening in our food system. As you know, I created a program called the Food Babe Eating Guide. And if you get it before tonight at 12:00am, you'll get the Starter Guide + the Monthly Eating Guide + the Juice Cleanse Guide (I could sell this separately, but you'll get it at no charge).


When I started this blog, the one number question I got from my friends and family was this: "Can you develop an eating plan for me – and give me everything I need to know – the ingredients, the shopping list, the menu, what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat it?"


They'd go on to say "I'll do anything to get to my ideal weight, and get my skin to glow like yours" and begged me for help. I wanted to help every one of them so bad. Since then, I gained a lot more friends (you!) along the way… and luckily I figured out how to offer my Food Babe way of life and weight loss advice to you in a guide that will not only get you feeling your best – but looking your best too. Transforming your body from the inside out is so magical and I'm thrilled I am able to offer the Food Babe Eating Guide for those that want it.


This is it. Summer is almost here. Don't wait another minute to live the healthiest life you can. And just as a reminder, the FREE Juice Cleanse guide for new Eating Guide members will not be able after tonight at Midnight. No exceptions.




Hope you have a wonderfully healthy weekend. I'll be toasting to you tonight, Food Babe Army! 



P.S. Remember the FREE Juice Cleanse Guide is only available till midnight! Next week I'm getting back to investigating, so stay tuned and go out and celebrate this fantastic accomplishment with a green juice.




P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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