Wednesday, April 30, 2014

GMO, yeah? 5 surprises from an otherwise boring look at genetically modified crops

Posted: 30 Apr 2014 09:18 AM PDT

Researchers at the USDA's Economic Research Service have stepped back to look at the effect of genetically engineered crops since they were introduced in the U.S. It's a pretty dry and unsurprising document, but when read carefully a few interesting things jump out. Here's five.

1. How many GMO trials are there? Tons

There have been thousands and thousands a field trials, which have translated to just a handful of different traits. A lot of these must have been for different, locally adapted varieties of, say, insect resistance. But it was also interesting to see how many trials there were for the low-profile GMOs. There were tests of plants with disease resistance, and plants with "resistance to cold, drought, frost, salinity, more efficient use of nitrogen, increased yield." In addition to the big three (corn, cotton, and soy), the USDA has approved 11 kinds of tomatoes, eight forms of canola, five potatoes, sugarbeets, papaya, rice, squash, alfalfa, plum, rose, tobacco, flax, and chicory. About 12 percent of the squash grown in the U.S. is genetically engineered for disease resistance.

2. Herbicide tolerance is sneaky

Herbicide-tolerant soybeans grow on more than 90 percent of the soy acres in the U.S. But there doesn't seem to be a direct benefit to farmers in terms of significantly higher yields. So why pay more for the GMO seed? Here's what the researchers say:
The fact that several researchers found no significant differences between the net returns of adopters and nonadopters of HT crops (particularly HT soybeans) despite the rapid adoption of these crops suggests that many adopters may derive nonmonetary benefits from HT adoption. In particular, weed control for HT soybeans may be simpler, freeing up management time for leisure, enterprise growth, or off-farm income-generating activities.
In addition, farmers pay less for specialized herbicides and for the diesel needed to run a weed-busting cultivator.

3. Insecticide use is way down

That's among both farmers who used GE insect-resistant crops and those who didn't. "Corn insecticide use by both GE seed adopters and nonadopters has decreased — only 9 percent of all U.S. corn farmers used insecticides* in 2010. Insecticide use on corn farms declined from 0.21 pound per planted acre in 1995 to 0.02 pound in 2010."

Wow. That's a success story you don't normally hear.

4. Traditional GMOs are increasingly monolithic

I've argued that we shouldn't fight over "GMOs" but instead talk about the specific plants we like or dislike. There may be a problem with that argument: Now the main GE traits are coming bundled together. The argument, I think, still stands for rare cases (like disease resistance and Golden Rice).

5. Plowless farmers rise up

More and more farmers are growing crops with only minimal disturbance of the soil. That conserves topsoil, prevents run-off pollution, and allows for carbon capture in the fields. It's good news, and it's largely associated with the use of herbicide-tolerant crops (though I'm still not totally convinced the relationship is causal).

Here's the entire doc for those who wish to dig deeper. Don't say we didn't warn you.

*This is the percentage of farmers who applied insecticide to their fields. It doesn't include the farmers that used insecticides just by planting seeds: Many seeds are coated with an insecticide, which the plant sucks up and uses to fend off bugs. These systemic insecticides may cause less collateral damage because they aren't sprayed over the entire field, but there are suggestions that they may hurt pollinators.


What is Hydroxocobalamin?

What is Hydroxocobalamin?

Link to Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

What is Hydroxocobalamin?

Posted: 29 Apr 2014 08:56 AM PDT


Cobalamin is another name for vitamin B12, an essential nutrient necessary for proper metabolism and energy production. Hydroxocobalamin is a chemical compound with a similar structure to vitamin B12. Even though the human body doesn't produce hydroxocobalamin, bacteria in the digestive tract are able to convert it into a usable form. Commercial and pharmaceutical versions of hydroxocobalamin also use bacteria to create large volumes of the compound for therapeutic purposes.

Hydroxocobalamin, partially identifiable by its red color, plays an integral part in DNA synthesis and supports cell replication. The compound also has an important role in the conversion of harmful homocysteine into beneficial methionine, an essential amino acid. It helps with energy production and is necessary for normal brain and nervous system function.

A Remedy for B12 Deficiency

Hydroxocobalamin is commonly used to address vitamin B12 deficiency. When the body's stores of vitamin B12 are low, injections of hydroxocobalamin are often used to restore B12 levels. B12 deficiency is linked to many negative health effects, including neurologic, gastroenterologic, psychiatric, and blood disorders. There’s no question it’s one of the most important nutrients our bodies require. In one case, an individual suffering from seizures and psychotic symptoms achieved a complete recovery after B12 intervention. [1]

B12 Deficiency: Causes

Whether you're avoiding animal products or suffering from digestive or absorption issues, you may develop a B12 deficiency. Even meat eaters who constantly consume this essential nutrient may become deficient under certain circumstances. The most common causes of a vitamin B12 deficiency include:

Pernicious Anemia

Pernicious anemia is when the body doesn’t absorb B12 and in turn doesn’t produce enough red blood cells. People with this condition must regularly receive B12 supplementation. Hydroxocobalamin injection has been traditionally used against pernicious anemia based on research indicating the body more readily retains it. [2] New research has suggested oral ingestion of hydroxocobalamin (or cyanocobalamin) as an alternative option for B12 supplementation. [3]

Strict Vegetarianism/Veganism

Individuals who adhere to a strict vegetarian or vegan diet may not receive enough vitamin B12. The vitamin is mostly present in animal-based foods such as meat, eggs, fish, and milk. [4] This places many health-conscious vegetarians and vegans at risk, prompting supplementation as the main avenue through which the nutrient can and should be obtained. Pregnant women who are vegetarians or vegans will also need to supplement, as a deficiency can greatly impact the fetus. [5]

Digestive Malabsorption

If the stomach or small intestine experiences functional or structural damage, the body may have trouble absorbing enough vitamin B12 (and other nutrients). People who suffer from celiac disease also have difficulty digesting gluten and absorbing nutrients. Some medical conditions can also prevent the stomach or small intestine from properly secreting intrinsic factor, the intestinal protein necessary for B12 absorption.

Harmful Organisms

Unfriendly organisms in the intestines can reduce the amount of B12 available for absorption. For example, tapeworms can consume large amounts of vitamin B12, leading to a deficiency in this powerful nutrient. [6] A condition like this may lead to gastric atrophy, a chronic irritation of the stomach lining. This can result in a loss of gastric cells that produce essential digestive substances necessary for the proper utilization of B12.

Benefits of Hydroxocobalamin

In addition to remedying B12 deficiency, hydroxocobalamin can provide additional benefits to the brain and body…

Remedy for Cyanide Poisoning

In 2006, hydroxocobalamin received approval for use as a treatment for cyanide poisoning. Hydroxocobalamin binds with cyanide molecules to form cyanocobalamin, a B12 vitamer. As a cyanide antidote, hydroxocobalamin has been deemed safe and highly effective. [7]

A Migraine Remedy

Hydroxocobalamin has been identified as a scavenger of nitric oxide, an essential muscle regulator that also acts as a free radical. Too much nitric oxide can actually cause swelling and discomfort, especially in the brain. One study found hydroxocobalamin to be effective for reducing the frequency and duration of migraines. [8]

One Final Thought

The B vitamins are necessary for nerve function, energy production, and metabolic processes inside the body. Do not risk deficiencies of these essential nutrients! If you are experiencing symptoms related to vitamin B12 deficiency, it is pertinent that you receive testing to make sure your levels are in check. If not, supplementation may be necessary until the proper amount of B12 has been established.

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Vilibi M, Juki V, Vidovi A, Breci P. Cobalamin deficiency manifested with seizures, mood oscillations, psychotic features and reversible dementia in the absence of typical neurologic and hematologic signs and symptoms: a case report. Coll Antropol. 2013 Mar;37(1):317-9.
  2. Hall CA, Begley JA, Green-Colligan PD. The availability of therapeutic hydroxocobalamin to cells. Blood. 1984 Feb;63(2):335-41.
  3. Andrès E, Fothergill H, Mecili M. Efficacy of oral cobalamin (vitamin B12) therapy. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2010 Feb;11(2):249-56. doi: 10.1517/14656560903456053.
  4. Watanabe F, Yabuta Y, Tanioka Y, Bito T. Biologically Active Vitamin B12 Compounds in Foods for Preventing Deficiency among Vegetarians and Elderly Subjects. J Agric Food Chem. 2013 Jul 17;61(28):6769-75. doi: 10.1021/jf401545z. Epub 2013 Jul 2.
  5. Simpson JL, Bailey LB, Pietrzik K, Shane B, Holzgreve W. Micronutrients and women of reproductive potential: required dietary intake and consequences of dietary deficiency or excess. Part I–Folate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2010 Dec;23(12):1323-43. doi: 10.3109/14767051003678234. Epub 2010 Apr 7.
  6. Vuylsteke P, Bertrand C, Verhoef GE, Vandenberghe P. Case of megaloblastic anemia caused by intestinal taeniasis. Ann Hematol. 2004 Jul;83(7):487-8. Epub 2004 Jan 17.
  7. Shepherd G, Velez LI. Role of hydroxocobalamin in acute cyanide poisoning. Ann Pharmacother. 2008 May;42(5):661-9. doi: 10.1345/aph.1K559. Epub 2008 Apr 8.
  8. van der Kuy PH, Merkus FW, Lohman JJ, ter Berg JW, Hooymans PM. Hydroxocobalamin, a nitric oxide scavenger, in the prophylaxis of migraine: an open, pilot study. Cephalalgia. 2002 Sep;22(7):513-9.

The post What is Hydroxocobalamin? appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How to Protect Your House from Harmful EMF Radiation

How to Protect Your House from Harmful EMF Radiation

Link to Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

How to Protect Your House from Harmful EMF Radiation

Posted: 28 Apr 2014 02:30 PM PDT

Protect your house from EMF radiation

A century ago, the use of electricity was minimal and exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) were limited. Most homes only generated electrical and magnetic fields in the range of 50-60 Hz. Today, humans and animals are practically bathing in EMF pollution. Appliances, WiFi, personal electronics, smart meters, and especially cell phones (which produce EMF frequencies in the Ghz) have caused EMF exposure has gone through the roof — literally.

Perhaps the most chilling fact is that EMF radiation is nearly impossible to get away from. If you’re near any sort of civilization, you and your family are likely awash in it. And, currently, no one is sure what the long-term health consequences stem will be. We already know that many individuals report nausea, problems sleeping and concentrating, and even hyperactivity as a result of constant EMF and radio frequency (RF) exposure.

To limit exposure, the first plan of action is to protect your living space. Fortunately, there are a variety of products on the market today to help you do just that. The following products offer a variety of effective ways to protect your house and living space from EMF and RF radiation.

1. Graham-Stetzer Filters (“Stetzerizers®”) by Stetzer Electric Co. – $30-$35 ea.

These simple filters reduce high-frequency radiation, or “dirty energy”, generated by typical home appliances. Along with electrician Dave Stetzer, this electric filter is the creation of Dr. Martin Graham of the University of California, Berkeley. The number of filters needed doesn't depend on the size of the house or building but on the number of appliances the establishment contains. An average-sized house would probably need around 20 filters. For more information on this product, visit their website. You can also check out the videos below to see how the filters work.

GHC youtube Video

GHC youtube Video

Check out this technical video for the science behind the Graham-Setzer Filters:

GHC youtube Video

GHC youtube Video

2. Y-Shield Paint and Air Pure Paint

One coat of Y-shield reduces RF and microwave radiation by 99%, while Air Pure requires two coats and reduces radiation by 90%. Both are meant for interior use as a primer and can be painted over with a standard latex paint. Y-shield comes in black and Air Pure comes in gray. Air Pure adds a zero VOC formulation to its RF shielding ability.

Both paints require a grounding kit and MU grounding tape (about $60 each). This may be best completed by a licensed electrician, although many homeowners can install it themselves. For more information, visit their website. Also, check out the video below to see the paints' effect on this bedroom exposed to Smart Meter radiation:

GHC youtube Video

3. Geovital Academy

This company produces paints similar to Y-shield and may provide up to 100% EMF and RF shielding! At the moment, this paint is only available in Australia and Austria.

For those interested, check out this web page on Geovital's shielding paint. Click here to discover more about Geovital.

GHC youtube Video

4. Day-Lite Bed Canopies and Floor Mats by Swiss Shield – $140-$1300

Sleep is one of the most valuable things for restoration and health. EMF and RF exposure affects sleep quality by disrupting brain wave patterns. These canopies use the Faraday principle to reduce EMF/RF exposure. The fabric is reported to block 95-99% of EMF/RF with its polyester-copper-silver mesh.

Compared with the price of their shielding floor mats, the canopy items may seem a little on the high end. Realistically, the cost to purchase these ready-made canopies may be the same as making them yourself. These canopies can be purchased in North America through two outlets: LessEMF and Safe Living Solutions.

For more information, click here. Be sure to check out these two data sheets here and here to learn more about the products.

GHC youtube Video

GHC youtube Video

5. Window EMF/RF Shielding Film ($30-$40 per linear ft)

Most of the EMF and RF radiation that penetrates a house enters through windows. Window films reduce up to 99% of 5 GHz frequencies (most cell phone signals work at 2.4 GHz). To use the films, simply cut the size you need from the roll and apply to the window. Here are a list of some of the film products available on the market today:

Signal Protect, Clear Window Film

Sold in 5-foot rolls, the price of clear window films is around $35 per linear foot. It's really simple to use and provides up to 99% shielding. To learn more about this window film, click here. You can also check out the spec sheet for their clear window film product here to learn more about its shielding capabilities.

3M Brand – ScotchTint

A 24-foot roll can be purchased as a trial size at $270. The typical product sells in 100-foot rolls for $599. The product claims a 90-95% shielding and mentions that it makes indoor heating and cooling more efficient. For more information, visit their website. To look at a spec sheet, click here.

6. Shield Fabrics for Window Shields, Drapes, and Canopies

Just like clothing that offers protection against EMF/RF radiation, Naturell and Daylite fabrics can block up to 100% EMF/RF when applied to windows or bed canopies. These fabrics price around $25-$35 per linear foot. Naturell is a little darker, denser, and provides a greater reduction in EMFs and RFs; Daylite is lighter with slightly less reduction. Here is a quick comparison…


Made from natural cotton material in Switzerland, this fabric is ideal for curtains and bed canopies and contains no harmful substances. Tests indicate 99% shielding potential against frequencies up to 10 GHz. It offers protection against cell towers, wireless computer systems, and cell phones. The fabric was created for easy use and can be machine washed.


Light and breathable, Daylite is also economically priced. Daylite has a shielding potential of 99%, protecting against frequencies up to 1GHz. It shields against cell towers, cell phones, wireless networks, and more. This fabric is also washable and free of harmful substances.

Both fabrics can be purchased from LessEMF and Safe Living Solutions.

One Final Thought

The scientific community remains unsure of the long-term effects EMF/RF exposure has on our health, especially at the levels we experience today. We do know a great many individuals complain of symptoms related to chronic frequency exposure, symptoms that often go away once the EMF/RF source is reduced or eliminated.

Luckily, we have many tools available to help reduce our EMF/RF exposure. Whether it's protective paint, window films, or protective clothing, you don't have to suffer from EMF or RF overexposure. Are you taking back your health and shielding your home from EMF/RF radiation? Are you using one of these products or another? Please leave a comment below and tell us about your experience!

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

The post How to Protect Your House from Harmful EMF Radiation appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.

Monday, April 28, 2014

10 Apps to Help You Eat GMO Free

Posted: 28 Apr 2014 08:30 PM PDT

As the struggle for GMO labeling rages on, app developers are taking matters into their own hands. By creating apps that allow consumers to determine exactly what is in the products that they buy, these developers are giving you total freedom of choice. These apps all have multiple features for identifying different types of ingredients, which means installing a combination of apps will keep you better informed. These ten apps all identify GMO products, among other ingredients, so you can control exactly what you choose to have in your diet.
  • Non-GMO Project Shopping Guide – As it says on the can, this app provides consumers with a guide to shopping non-GMO. The Non-GMO Project's Product Verification Program is a collaboration of a number of corporations whose aim is to help consumers make more informed choices in their purchases. The guide is completely free and is periodically updated with new contributions.
  • Healthy Food, Allergens, GMOs & Nutrition Scanner – This Nutrition Scanner costs $3.99 and allows you to quickly determine exactly what is in the food you are shopping for. The scanner reads food labels and returns information on nutrition, ingredients additives and whether the product contains any GMOs. You don't need to wonder which ingredients are dangerous, either, as the app has a caution rating for potentially undesirable contents.
  • Buycott – If you are passionate about supporting companies that you believe have ethical practices, Buycott will help you stick to your principles. The app can trace food items back through the production chain, keeping you informed of every company involved in bringing the item to the supermarket shelf. The free app also provides contact details for each company, so you can voice your concerns or support for any given product.
  • True Food – For conscientious consumers, True Food provides a real-time guide to shopping non-GMO. Every day the app will update with new alerts, news and tips on how to avoid GMO products, and where to find suitable alternatives. With over 70% of food products in the U.S. containing GMOs, this free app is definitely worth installing on your iPhone.
  • ShopNoGMO – With 23 food categories that contain no GMOs, this free app gives you the power to decide which products you want to feed your family. The app is not limited to when you shop, however, as there is also a useful feature to help you avoid GMOs when dining out. Besides information on GMOs, there are helpful tips on sourcing organic foods and identifying other potentially unhealthy ingredients.
  • GMO Checker – You can use this app to quickly identify products that are organic, vegan, gluten free and GMO free. GMO Checker uses a simple search function, which returns results with a color-coded key that tells you whether the product contains ingredients from the category list. While the app has a simple interface, it does cost $3.99, so it is not the cheapest option on the market.
  • ipiit, The Food Ambassador – ipiit is a completely collaborative app with a database that is constantly growing due, in part, to user contributions. The database contains over 210,000 food products, with information on Gluten, Lactose, HFCS, GMO and much more. Users can set up their own preferences, making it easier to find the foods that match your needs. Rating foods on this free app will help keep the community informed so everyone can share in promoting healthier food choices.
  • Chemical Maze – Whether you are concerned about what's in your food, cosmetics or pet products, Chemical Maze will help keep you informed. You can filter results by category, effects, origin or symptoms, depending on what you want to find out about a product. This is the free addition of the app, however, there is also a paid edition with added features.
  • Barcode and PLU Label Reader – Although this app is a Barcode and PLU reader, you have to manually enter the codes. With that said, the app does provide a lot of useful information that will help you purchase the healthiest products and avoid GMOs. Barcode and PLU Label Reader costs $1.99 and has a 4+ user rating on the iTunes store.
  • Fruit Checker – A PLU label reader for fruits and vegetables, Fruit Checker will confirm whether products are certified organic, conventionally grown or genetically modified. In some cases the app will tell you where the product was grown, too. The app is useful, but limited for the price-tag of $0.99.

Natural Homemade Sunscreen Recipe

Posted: 28 Apr 2014 08:30 PM PDT

Natural Ways to Protect your Skin

While we normally suggest allowing your skin to get a good amount of sunshine to provide your body with ample Vitamin D, we do not condone soaking up the sun until you are burnt to a crisp. In years past, people knew how to avoid getting too much sun by following some simple sunny day guidelines:
  • avoid being outside during the middle of the day when the sun's rays are the hottest
  • seek shade under a tree, umbrella, etc., if being outside during peak sun is necessary
  • wear a large-brimmed hat
  • wear light, loose clothing to cover exposed skin
However, we understand there are times you will not be able to cover up or get out of the sun and may need to use sunscreen. But commercial sunscreens have been a hot topic lately, guilty of containing harsh chemicals and being counterproductive in maintaining healthy skin.

So let's learn how to safely protect your skin when covering up or getting out of the sun is out of the question.

Ingredients for Natural Sun Protection

There are several oils, butters, essential oils, and other natural ingredients that provide natural sun protection. While most of these offer very low amounts of sun protection, when added to your homemade sunscreen they nourish the skin and offer some protection against the effects of excessive sun.
  • Coconut oil - contains natural SPF properties
  • Shea butter - naturally protects skin, making it perfect for use in a sunscreen
  • Jojoba oil, sunflower oil, or sesame oil - these oils are easily absorbed into the skin and also provide some natural sun protection
  • Eucalyptus and lavender essential oils - eucalyptus has very low natural SPF and lavender is great for soothing and repairing skin. DO NOT use citrus essential oils in your sunscreen, as they may increase sensitivity to sunlight.
  • Vitamin E oil - nourishes and moisturizes skin, and helps naturally preserve homemade sunscreen
  • Zinc oxide (non nano) - a non-toxic, usually non-irritating, effective broad spectrum sunblock. The particles sit on the outermost layer of your skin, scattering and absorbing UVA and UVB rays, protecting the skin below. Be sure to use non nano zinc oxide to produce a natural homemade sunscreen. We purchased ours here. (The smallest amount you can purchase is a container that will last you years!)
Important: Nano or micronized zinc oxide has been treated to reduce the size of its particles, creating an ultrafine powder. When added to sunscreens it does not leave a white film on the skin, thus making it a popular choice in many commercial sunscreens. The problem with this is that the particles are so small they can enter the body through the skin, causing potential health problems. When purchasing, be sure to purchase a non nano zinc oxide that has particle sizes as large as possible. (Anything with a particle size smaller than 100nm is considered a nano particle – the zinc oxide we found is 330nm.)

Choose your SPF

Different amounts of zinc oxide are needed depending on what SPF you would like your lotion to be. Once you have chosen the SPF a little math is involved. The zinc oxide must be a certain percentage of the weight of your ingredients (before adding the zinc oxide). For this reason, it's easiest to use a kitchen scale when making your sunscreen. For example, if you have 2 ounces of lotion and you'd like to make SPF 10 sunscreen, according to the values below you will need to add .2 ounces of zinc oxide to the lotion. Use the zinc oxide recommendations below.
  • For SPF 2-5: Use 5% zinc oxide
  • For SPF 6-11: Use 10% zinc oxide
  • For SPF 12-19: Use 15% zinc oxide
  • For SPF >20: Use 20% zinc oxide

Homemade Natural Sunscreen


  • 1 oz. coconut oil
  • 0.8 oz. shea butter
  • 0.1 oz. jojoba, sesame, or sunflower oil
  • 0.1 oz. Vitamin E oil
  • 30 drops essential oils, optional – I use 15 lavender, 10 eucalyptus, 5 peppermint
  • zinc oxide powder (determine amount for 2 oz. of lotion)


Add coconut oil, shea butter, and jojoba/sesame/sunflower oil to a makeshift double boiler. (To make your own double boiler, place a Pyrex measuring cup containing ingredients inside a small pot filled with a few inches of water). Heat gently until shea butter is just melted. Remove from double boiler and allow to cool a little. Put on a mask that covers your nose and mouth (to avoid breathing in the fine particles of zinc oxide powder), and measure out your zinc oxide. Add zinc oxide, Vitamin E oil, and optional essential oils to the other ingredients. Stir well to combine. Store in a dark jar in the refrigerator.

To Use:

Apply liberally to exposed skin. Reapply every few hours, or more often if swimming or sweating.

Additional Notes

This homemade sunscreen has about a 6 month shelf life, and should be refrigerated when not being used. The oils it contains are photosensitive, so do not leave your homemade sunscreen sitting out in direct sunlight. Keeping it in a cooler will prevent it from melting in high temperatures when taking it to the pool or beach.

If you prefer to add zinc oxide to another homemade lotion you like, simply weigh a desired amount of lotion and add enough zinc oxide to achieve the preferred SPF, mixing thoroughly.

Get the toxins out. Pronto.

Hope you had a wonderful weekend. I'm back from a little road trip and ready to cook in my kitchen this week.

This brand new recipe has a special ingredient that detoxifies and eliminates the crazy chemicals that can enter your body from daily exposure to environmental toxins. It has been used for centuries in asian cultures as a form of probiotics, to strengthen the immune system, and to provide beneficial B12.

This soup is so powerful, yummy and easy to make! Don't be scared to try it. It's awesome.

Get the recipe here.



P.S. It goes really well with this recipe and this recipe! Have a feast!







P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Friday, April 25, 2014

The Best Clothing to Protect Against EMF/RF Radiation

The Best Clothing to Protect Against EMF/RF Radiation

Link to Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

The Best Clothing to Protect Against EMF/RF Radiation

Posted: 24 Apr 2014 10:02 AM PDT

EMF Radiation

In our society, technology permeates the workplace. School campuses, homes, and everywhere, really, more and more people are bombarded with constant EMF (electromagnetic field) and RF (radio frequency) overexposure. Ever notice how many WiFi network signals your laptop picks up? Simply seeing these other networks lets you know that you’re being exposed to a barrage of EMF frequencies. Add in the constant RF radiation from cell phone towers and smart meters and you can easily see how difficult it is to distance yourself from the onslaught of electrical radiation.

Increased exposure has brought on increased reports of sensitivities to EMF/RF fields. Symptoms of EMF/RF sensitivity include insomnia, concentration issues, neuropathy, sinus problems, fatigue, and hyperactivity. Although reducing radiation in your own home can be easy… what about when you step outside back into the never-ending supply of wireless radiation?

It seems protective clothing may be the best option. Here are a few clothing products that provide shielding effects against EMF and RF radiation to significantly reduce exposure.

1. Silver-lined clothing by Silverell, Inc.

The fabric from Silverell, Inc. are made with 90% rayon and 10% silver, offering around 90% RF protection from frequencies between 20 MHz and 8 GHz (cell towers emit 900 MHz while LTE cell phones emit 2.4 GHz). The material's high conductivity provides antistatic properties, and the presence of silver cuts down on body odor by inhibiting bacterial growth. You can view more information here.

Several online retailers carry Silverell clothing, including EMR Shielding Solutions – Canadian-based online company that ships worldwide, and Fine Silver Products.

LessEMF carries a wide range of clothes and other protective gear. They also offer some Silverell clothing, although this constitutes only a small portion of their product catalog. For more information, visit their website.

2. 4EHS by EHS

EHS offers a number of protective clothing options, including jackets, shirts, hats, and pants. This particular manufacturer has a strong customer base as evidenced by the positive feedback left on their website. All clothes are tested to validate effectiveness against EMF/RF radiation. For more information, visit their website.

Here are a few videos to show their effectiveness:


GHC youtube Video


GHC youtube Video


GHC youtube Video

3. Swiss Shield WEAR fabric

This natural, cotton-based fabric is made from woven cotton fiber and silver-copper thread. Perfectly suitable for both clothing and bedding, the fabric is light, soft, and flexible. If you're wanting to add a bit more color, the fabric can be dyed with simple fabric dye. It is easy to cut, sew, and wash, and will continue to offer EMF/RF protection after 30 washes. Testing has found Swiss Shield fabric to be 99% effective for protecting against RF radiation up to 1,000 MHz. Current prices are around $20 per linear foot.

Swiss Shield WEAR fabric can be purchased from the following retailers:

For more information about Swiss Shield WEAR EMF/RF Shielding, here’s the data specs.

4. TexCare Laundry Detergent by YShield

Fabrics containing metals that protect against RF/EMF radiation need an appropriate defense against harsh detergents. TexCare laundry detergent will not react with silver or stainless steel-shielding fabrics, thus prolonging the protective benefits of the clothes. All ingredients in TexCare laundry detergent are 100% biodegradable, containing no petrochemicals, fragrances, GMOs (genetically-modified organisms), preservatives, or enzymes. The detergent can be used with both machine washing and hand washing. One liter will wash around 20 loads of laundry.

For more information and a full ingredients list, visit their info page.

To learn more about how this detergent works, take a look at this data sheet.

One Final Thought

The long-term effects of EMF and RF radiation on human health are currently unknown. For sensitive individuals, protective clothing may be a great option to reduce daily exposure. I’m not affiliate with any of the previously mentioned companies but I do recommend protecting against the unknown effects of EMF/RF radiation, especially for those who are sensitive to these invasive frequencies.

How are you reducing your exposure to EMF and RF radiation? Leave a comment and share with us.

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

The post The Best Clothing to Protect Against EMF/RF Radiation appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog.