Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Buying popsicles? Watch this first

Our family loves to cool down on hot days with popsicles, but I don't buy most brands.

I even stay away from those ones that say they're "Made with Real Fruit", because I've found out that it's a lie. The fruit is so heavily processed and there's a lot more going on in those frozen pops besides real fruit! 

I recently investigated every single popsicle at the grocery store, and filmed a quick video to show you what I found. Make sure to watch this before you buy any more popsicles! 

WATCH NOW: Is there a healthy popsicle? 

Below the video here, I list out my favorite store-bought brands, and then show you how I make ridiculously easy homemade "popsicles" with real fruit and vegetables. The best part? The whole family loves them, especially my kids. 

If you know anyone who might be buying popsicles full of crazy processed ingredients, please share this with them. 

I wish I knew the truth about these ingredients earlier, especially when it comes to feeding my kids real food. 

Check the ingredients in your popsicles here now.




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