This email is dedicated to all the "experts" who criticized my work.
To the people who called me a "Food Bimbo", a "Fearmonger", and a "Quack".
And to the dietitians who think drinking Diet Coke and feeding your kids Kellogg's Froot Loops is totally fine.
They are wrong.
My warnings have now become undeniable.
The world's largest scientific review of its kind was published in the BMJ this week (involving almost 10 million people).
It found that diets high in ultra-processed food are directly linked to 32 harmful effects to health.
This includes a higher risk of heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, adverse mental health and early death.
The researchers said ultra-processed food has "little if any whole food added, made palatable and attractive by using combinations of flavours, colours, emulsifiers, thickeners, and other additives."
"No reason exists to believe that humans can fully adapt to these products."
Our bodies were not designed to consume Little Debbie Honey Buns, Kellogg's Apple Jacks, Doritos, Gatorade, Chick-fil-A sandwiches, and Pepsi.
When I used to eat food like that I was on several prescription drugs, and felt and looked awful!
I don't want anyone else to feel the way I did.
This is why I won't stop sharing the truth about our food and the companies who are profiting from selling us poisons.
These companies use the cheapest ingredients possible, they lie to the media, and they are laughing all the way to the bank.
Kellogg's CEO recently said that people struggling economically should consider "cereal for dinner" to save money.
This is wrong on so many levels.
Kellogg's cereals are some of the most processed foods on the planet, literally full of ingredients that shorten our lives…
And they suggest we eat them because it's CHEAP!
Kellogg's lied to the media when they committed to removing artificial colors from their cereals in 2015.
It's been almost TEN YEARS and they continue to sell harmful chemicals that wreck children's brains - and they know it.
This is the worst form of evil. Making billions and everyone's in on it–especially the media and the government.
I launched a petition in 2019, asking Kellogg's to do what they promised: Drop all artificial colors, artificial flavors, and BHT from their cereals.
Now is the time to hold their feet to the fire.
This petition now has over 66,000 signatures and growing. If you haven't added your name yet, please do so now.
SIGN THE PETITION: Tell Kellogg's to Stop Targeting Little Kids With Artificial Ingredients!
Also share this petition with your friends and family.
Above all else…
Boycott Kellogg's Cereal and tell everyone you know!
This is the strongest way to send a message that we don't want processed cereals made with artificial ingredients.
Thank you for everything you do to help create a safer food system for everyone.
This is how we change the world!
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Food Babe
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