Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Alarming news about Chick-fil-a - please spread the word

It was my birthday last week…but I got the worst news.

That morning my friend DM'd me: "Someone sent me this!"

Along with a screenshot from Chick-fil-A's app stating that they're canceling their "No Antibiotics Ever" standard, and would start selling chicken raised with antibiotics this Spring.

When I saw this, I was devastated. 

And you will be too, once you hear the rest of the story.

Even if you don't eat at Chick-Fil-A… I need to share with you why Chick-fil-A's decision to go back to using antibiotics is devastating for all of us. 

I laid it all out in a brand new blog post published this morning. 

This is what the news isn't telling you, and you need to know the truth!

CLICK HERE: Chick-fil-A's back to using antibiotics and here's why this is devastating for everyone! 

After you read this post, please don't forget to share it! There is POWER in numbers and when we work together, we make a huge impact.



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