Tuesday, September 12, 2017

I cannot stop eating this processed food. Eh!

I have a confession to make. My once in a while processed food meltdown is with Annie's Chocolate Bunnies. Once I crack open the box, I literally cannot. stop. eating. them. (And thinking about them right now, is making my mouth water.) It's insane! I've noticed when I make homemade cookies I don't get the feeling that I need to eat the entire plate... but with those Annie's Bunnies, man, I really can't stop. Why is it that they're so addicting? Is it all the sugar? There's actually more to it than that.

To find out why, you have to check out this brand new post where I interview expert Mark Schatzker about the situation. 

You know how addicting Doritos are…well, the stories he tells about food and flavor are out-of-control incredible. 

Our interview is a MUST WATCH and you can catch the full version here

After you watch what he says in the video - you'll see one reason why I don't eat things like RX Bar, drink La Croix or put Nut Pods in my coffee on a regular basis. I'd rather not eat foods that trick my tastebuds (like those Annie's Bunnies!) and I like to know exactly what I'm eating. Sticking with real food is just simpler, healthier, and oftentimes cheaper too.

Is there a specific food you can't stop eating? Could this be why? Watch our interview and let me know in the comments.

Share this video with all your friends and let's stop those uncontrollable food cravings together!





P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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